“In an age of global competition the role of companies and especially multinational corporations has been to maximize profits and performances. The role of states on the contrary has been to maximize the well being of their citizens” A.M. KLOM. The ownership of energy resources found in Nigeria such as crude oil, gas etc is vested in the Federal Government of Nigeria and the government reserves to itself the power to make grants for the exploration of such petroleum and mineral resources through its agency known as the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

To this end, NNPC has at one time or the other entered into one type of Contractual Relationships/Arrangements or the other with multinational corporations with a view to securing the well being of Nigerians. This work aims at examining the nature and types of such contractual arrangements that NNPC has entered into over the years. Sadly, such grants or relationships have not impacted positively as expected on the country’s economy and the well being of the citizens. It is against this background that I chose to write on this topic in order to proffer a better legal framework and guidelines to govern the obligations of parties to such contractual relationships/arrangements and help advance the Nigerian petroleum sector.

Chapter one of this work will focuses on Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Research Questions, Objectives of the Study, Methodology, Relevance of the long essay, Scope of the study and finally the Limitation.      

Chapter two will centre on the Contractual Relationships/ Arrangements for exploration and exploitation, and production of petroleum products with special focus on Licenses, Leases and Arrangements like Production Sharing Contract, Joint Venture Agreement etc.

Chapter three will focus on the influence of international law on the Nigeria legislation on its natural resources while chapter four will examine the impacts of the contractual arrangements on the Nigerian economy with emphasis on areas where the interest of the parties diverge, the 2008 Oil and Gas Industry  Reform Bill and Challenges facing the sector.

Chapter five will be the observations, conclusion and recommendations. In executing this topic, materials will be sourced from practical experience, textbooks and articles and through the internet. I hope this work will be a reference point for NNPC and in meeting their obligations under their various agreements and will also be a kind of recommendation to policy markers with a view to taking Nigeria’s Petroleum sector to the next level.     


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