When the cosmic rays arrive near the earth, they hit the nuclei of the atoms of the atmosphere, in particular nitrogen and oxygen, producing secondary particles. The first interaction of the cosmic ray primary takes place in the top of the atmosphere (Clay et al, 1997). The interaction

The interaction of cosmic ray with the atmosphere produces particles like kaons, and 𝛾– particles.

The secondary particles, like protons, neutrons and photons interact very frequently with the atoms of the atmosphere giving rise to a cascade of less and less energetic secondary particles called “air shower”. These cosmic ray showers are produced by a high energetic proton. The number of particles created in an air shower event can reach in the billions, depending on the energy and chemical environment (i.e. atmosphere condition) of the primary particles (Multhauf, 2002).

            The main mechanism of energy loss of high energetic hadrons consists in the disintegration of the molecules of the atmosphere. This leads to the creation of the new particles through nuclear interactions. At lower energies, dissipative processes become dominant, in which the molecules of the atmosphere get either ionized or excited. The most relevant process of this kind in the case of heavy charged particles is the ionization of the molecules of the atmosphere. Lighter charged particles like electrons and positrons lose their energies not only by ionizations, but also by bremsstrahlung. This consists in the radioactive loss of energy of charged particles moving inside nuclei of the surrounding molecules (James, 1998).

            The total number of secondary particles within the shower grows rapidly, mainly sustained by the processes of bremsstrahlung and pair production due to electrons, positrons and photons. Secondary particles like protons and, to a less extent, neutrons, are easily stopped by the atmosphere, so that they increase relevantly the number of particles by disintegrating the molecules of air only during the first stages of the formation of the shower. The decays of the secondary particles produce pions which produce mouns and photons of considerable energies. The mouns are very penetrating particles and do not interact very much with the air (NWS, 2007). They lose a small fraction of their energy before reaching the ground by ionizing the molecules of the atmosphere. The photons give rise to electron-positron pair e e. In turn, electrons and positrons create other electrons by ionization or other photons due to bremsstrahlung. In this way, while the cascade propagates inside the atmosphere, the number of its electrons, positrons and photons grow almost exponentially (Murugeshan and Kiruthiga, 1984).

            If the energy of the primary particles is below 10¹eV, essentially only the penetrating mouns and neutrines are able to the sea level, while the other particles in the cascade are absorbed at higher altitudes. When the primary particles are above 10¹eV, the cascade of secondary particles arrives to the ground before being stopped by the atmosphere creating an air shower (Ferrari and Szuszkiewicz, 2006; Anchordoqui, 2003).

                The collisions of cosmic rays in the atmosphere lead to the formation of a stream of  lighter particles known as air shower. These cosmic rays ionize the atmosphere which causes the accumulation of charges in the thundercloud. This accumulation of charged particles and the relative motion of water droplets and ice particles within a thundercloud lead to charge seperation, thereby producing lightning (Collier et al, 2006).  Cosmic rays have been implicated in the trigger of electrical breakdown in lightning. It has been proposed that essentially all lightning is triggered through a relativistic process, “runaway breakdown” caused by cosmic ray secondaries (Schwarzschild, 2008).In a nutshell, cosmic rays influences the production of new aerosol particles in the troposphere, which may grow and eventually increase the number of cloud condensation nuclei (Okike and Collier, 2011). Investigation showed that Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) intensity mod
ulation also influences thundercloud electricity and lightning activities (Stozhkov, 2003).
Galactic cosmic rays have extremely high energy (1018 eV) (Shibata et al, 2010). Due to these high energies, they must have originated from a very energetic process. These cosmic rays exert much influence on the Earth’s atmosphere since many atmospheric processes (e.g. atmospheric electric current, cloud and thundercloud formation, concentration of heavy and light ion) are defined by their electrical properties (Harrison and Stephenson , 2006).

            At certain altitudes, cosmic rays are believed to be a source of atmospheric ionization and could be responsible for electrical conductivity of the atmosphere at lower altitudes. It has been reported that ion production rate in the atmosphere and cosmic ray intensity variations could account for atmospheric current and lightning occurrence at middle latitudes. Wilson, (1924) suggested that thunderstorm electric field could accelerate cosmic ray secondary electrons to high energies (Wilson, 1924). The showers of energetic particles produced by such high energy cosmic rays could provide a conducting path that initiates lightning. (Gurevich et al, 1999).

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