Cost of Studying in Serbia for International Students 2022 See Update

Cost of Studying in Serbia: Serbia is a country in southeastern Europe, in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, where a vast majority of its 7 million citizens are Serbs, and the rest belong to any of the 40 different national communities. We have disclosed to you the cost of studying in Serbia right here on this page as you keep reading through this article.

In the education system in Serbia, Primary (compulsory) education lasts for eight years, starting at 7 years old, and is divided into two cycles, each one lasting four years.
Prior to these cycles, a preparatory educational period of one year is mandatory.  Secondary education is provided in high schools.
The certificate awarded at the end is the Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi. Secondary vocational schools offer both general and vocational (practical and theoretical) education for direct entry in the world of work and further education.
The vocational qualification is acquired at the level of first form and second form, then the third and fourth form and specialization after secondary education lasting for one year.
Higher education in Serbia includes university education (faculties and art academies) and non-university education (post-secondary schools) where courses last no less than two years and no more than three years.
Universities in Serbia organize art and educational work, as well as other activities, in compliance with the law and its statutes.
The faculty is an educational and art institution that includes basic studies, specialized studies, magisterial studies, and doctoral studies. The basic studies last between four and six academic years.
Specialized studies last between one and two academic years and magisterial studies last for two academic years. Doctoral studies last for three years.

Cost of Tuition Fee in Serbia

Studies of Serbian residents at public institutions (both universities and colleges) can either be financed by the State or the students pay tuition for their studies.
Students who study at private higher education institutions pay fees as determined by the higher education institution.
Foreign students pay tuition for their studies and in some cases there is a difference between the amounts paid by local and foreign students.
The tuition fee is determined by the institution and usually ranges from EUR1000 to EUR5000 per year.
Basic academic studies (Bachelor) are organized at universities (more precisely, faculties or academies of arts that are members of universities) and colleges of applied studies and can last either three or four years (180 or 240 ECTS).
Basic applied studies (Bachelor appl.) last three years (180 ECTS) and are organized either at universities or colleges of applied sciences. Upon completion of this level of studies the student receives a title Bachelor
Master’s studies can be organized by universities, faculties, and colleges of academic studies, and they last either one or two years (60 or 120 ECTS).
To complete a Master’s study program a student has to defend his/her Master’s thesis at the end of the studies. In order to enroll in a Master program, students must have completed a Bachelor program with at least 180 ECTS
Doctoral programs (Ph.D.) are organized at universities (faculties members of a university) and they last three years. To enroll in a doctoral program a student must have completed a Master’s course and have obtained at least 300 ECTS during his previous Ph.D studies.
Ph.D. thesis is the final part of the doctoral study program, except in the case of arts, that have an artistic project as the final part of the program.

Cost of Transportation in Serbia

Public transportation consists of buses, trams, and trolleybuses, while the ticketing system that operates in them is Bus Plus.
You can use this system by buying a carton Bus Plus ticket that costs 40 dinars (around 35 Euro cents) at any newsstand or Corner shop, and that you need to fill with credit at the same place.
Near the entrance to the vehicle, you can find Bus Plus devices where you need to put the ticket so that it could be processed. The cost of one ride is 75 dinars (around 65 Euro cents).

Cost of Living in Serbia

The cost of accommodation is also an important expense for which students have 4 options
➛ To rent an apartment (will cost around 70, 000 RSD).
➛ To become a paying guest (will cost around 40, 000 RSD with food included).
➛ To rent a room in a student’s residence (will cost around US 20,000 RSD).
➛ Or to live in a hostel.
Apart from that, there are daily traveling charges as well as food, entertainment, gym, and many more charges which will cost students about 30, 000 RSD monthly (depending upon the ability of spending of an individual).
Student dorms are very affordable when compared to the rest of Europe. A room starts at just 120$ per month for international students. The prices in student restaurants are also affordable, with a price of 140$ for the whole month.

Cost of Medical Insurance in Serbia

International students must have health insurance from their home country or private health insurance while studying in Serbia.
Health insurance is mandatory and students must submit proof of insurance when they apply for their visa or residence permit. It is recommended that students have coverage for up to €20,000.

Cost of Visa in Serbia

If you want to travel to the Federal Republic of Serbia, a country located between Central and Southeast Europe and part of the former Yugoslavia. You should be ready to get a visa before departure.
Perhaps you are on transit, visiting, business, tourism, conference, or studies, a visa is required to enter. You have to define a reason you want to go to Serbia. The reason will determine the category of you will apply for.
The visa cost of studying in Serbia as an international student is €30
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