Country Code: How It Is Used In Making Local And International Calls

– Country Code –

Mobile communication technology has been designed in a way that each country has its unique code. This will be a complete guide to those who need more understanding as to how the country code is used in making local and international calls.

Take note, although countries have their separate country codes, there are some countries which share the same country code.

For instance, the United States of America and Canada have the same code. This same code is also operational in some Caribbean Islands.

What Is The Country Code?

As already stated, each country has its own code which is otherwise called call code. These codes are sets of numbers that are dialled before the phone number to be called.

Before calling any number which is not within the same country, the country code of that country would have to be dialled before the phone number.

What To Understand About Making An International Call Using The Country Code

Before placing an international call, there are a few things that have to be observed. The first and the most important thing is to ensure you have the correct International Direct Dial (IDD) of the call destination.

You must be sure you have the correct IDD of the country that the call will be going to. It is a norm among countries to have a number or set of numbers accompanying phone numbers.

For instance in Nigeria, telephone numbers begin with (0).

Therefore, dialling a Nigerian number within Nigeria it is required that the number must begin with the area code (0); for example, (0)8000000000. However, this only gets to be compulsory in internal calls, not international calls.


Additional Information

For international calls, rather than add the (0), the country code would be used instead.

As such, to call a Nigerian number from Ghana would require the addition of (+) in place of the (0) and then the Nigeria country code (234) would follow before the phone number itself.

However, for some countries, whether international calls or local calls the country codes have to be preceded by the area codes. In France for instance, trying to call a Nigerian number would require its area code (00).

Therefore, for someone in France to call a person in Nigeria, the dialled number would most likely look like this 002348000000000. Whereby, the (00) represent France’s area code for international calls. (234) represents Nigeria’s call code. And last, the phone number.

How To Make An International Call (Summary)

From the foregoing, it is necessary to summarise making an international phone call to reduce or eliminate the difficulties many people encounter when trying this newly. Below are the steps to take:

The first thing to do is to find out what country your call will go to and what is the country’s International Direct Dial (IDD). Most countries of the world use 00 or 011.

The second thing you must know is the country code. You could check that out from the list below. The list contains virtually every country code and the countries too. So you could just look up a country name to see its code.

Having gotten the above information already, simply dial the IDD and the country code and then dial the phone number after them.

Your call would be made successfully now. However, in case there is an issue of it failing to go through, you could reach out to the local operator to help you place the call successfully.

List Of Countries And Their Country Codes


Countries Starting With Letter ‘A’ To ‘D’

93 — Afghanistan, 355 — Albania, 213 — Algeria, 684 — American Samoa , 376 — Andorra,

244 — Angola, 809 — Anguilla, 268 — Antigua, 54 — Argentina, 374 — Armenia, 297,

247 — Ascension Island, 61 — Australia, 672 — Australian External Territories, 43 — Austria,

994 — Azerbaijan, 242 — Bahamas, 246 — Barbados, 973 — Bahrain, 880 — Bangladesh,

375 — Belarus, 32 — Belgium, 501 — Belize, 229 — Benin, 809 — Bermuda, 975 — Bhutan,

284 — British Virgin Islands, 591 — Bolivia, 387 — Bosnia and Hercegovina, 267 — Botswana,

55 — Brazil, 284 — British V.I., 673 — Brunei Darussalm, 359 — Bulgaria, 226 — Burkina Faso,

257 — Burundi, 855 — Cambodia, 237 — Cameroon, 1 — Canada, 238 — CapeVerde Islands,

1 — Caribbean Nations, 345 — Cayman Islands, 238 — Cape Verdi, 236 — Central African Republic

235 — Chad, 56 — Chile, 86 — China (People’s Republic), 886 — China-Taiwan, 57 — Colombia,

269 — Comoros and Mayotte, 242 — Congo, 682 — Cook Islands, 506 — Costa Rica, 385 — Croatia,

53 — Cuba, 357 — Cyprus, 420 — Czech Republic, 45 — Denmark, 246 — Diego Garcia,

767 — Dominca809 — Dominican Republic, 253 — Djibouti

Countries Starting With Letter ‘E’ To ‘L’

593 — Ecuador, 20 — Egypt, 503 — El Salvador, 240 — Equatorial Guinea, 291 — Eritrea,

372 — Estonia, 251 — Ethiopia, 500 — Falkland Islands, 298 — Faroe (Faeroe) Islands,

679 — Fiji, 358 — Finland, 33 — France, 596 — French Antilles, 594 — French Guiana,

241 — Gabon, 220 — Gambia, 995 — Georgia , 49 — Germany, 233 — Ghana, 30 — Greece,

299 — Greenland,  473 — Grenada/Carricou, 671 — Guam, 502 — Guatemala, 592 — Guyana,

509 — Haiti, 504 — Honduras, 852 — Hong Kong, 36 — Hungary, 354 — Iceland,

91 — India, 62 — Indonesia, 98 — Iran, 964 — Iraq, 353 — Ireland (Irish Republic; Eire),

972 — Israel, 39 — Italy, 225 — Ivory Coast, 876 — Jamaica, 81 — Japan, 962 — Jordan,

7 — Kazakhstan, 254 — Kenya, 855 — Khmer Republic (Cambodia/Kampuchea),

686 — Kiribati Republic, 82 — South Korea, 850 — North Korea, 965 — Kuwait,

996 — Kyrgyz Republic, 371 — Latvia, 856 — Laos, 961 — Lebanon, 266 — Lesotho,

231 — Liberia, 370 — Lithuania, 218 — Libya, 423 — Liechtenstein, 352 — Luxembourg

From Letter ‘M’ To ‘R’

853 — Macao, 389 — Macedonia, 261 — Madagascar, 265 — Malawi, 60 — Malaysia,

960 — Maldives, 223 — Mali, 356 — Malta, 692 — Marshall Islands, 596 — Martinique,

222 — Mauritania, 230 — Mauritius, 269 — Mayolte, 52 — Mexico, 691 — Micronesia,

373 — Moldova, 33 — Monaco, 976 — Mongolia, 473 — Montserrat, 212 — Morocco,

258 — Mozambique, 95 — Myanmar , 264 — Namibia, 674 — Nauru, 977 — Nepal,

31 — Netherlands, 599 — Netherlands Antilles, 869 — Nevis, 687 — New Caledonia, 

64 — New Zealand, 505 — Nicaragua, 227 — Niger, 234 — Nigeria, 683 — Niue,

850 — North Korea,  670 — North Mariana Islands , 47 — Norway, 968 — Oman,

92 — Pakistan, 680 — Palau, 507 — Panama, 675 — Papua New Guinea,

595 — Paraguay, 51 — Peru, 63 — Philippines, 48 — Poland, 351 — Portugal,

1 787 — Puerto Rico, 974 — Qatar, 262 — Reunion, 40 — Romania, 7 — Russia, 250 — Rwanda

Countries Starting With ‘S’ To ‘Z’

670 — Saipan, 378 — San Marino, 239 — Sao Tome and Principe, 966 — Saudi Arabia,

221 — Senegal, 381 — Serbia and Montenegro, 248 — Seychelles, 232 — Sierra Leone,

65 — Singapore, 421 — Slovakia, 386 — Slovenia, 677 — Solomon Islands, 252 — Somalia,

27 — South Africa, 34 — Spain, 94 — Sri Lanka, 290 — St. Helena, 869 — St. Kitts/Nevis,

508 — St. Pierre &(et) Miquelon (France), 249 — Sudan

597 — Suriname, 268 — Swaziland, 46 — Sweden, 41 — Switzerland, 963 — Syria,

689 — Tahiti, 886 — Taiwan, 7 — Tajikistan, 255 — Tanzania (includes Zanzibar),

66 — Thailand, 228 — Togo, 690 — Tokelau, 676 — Tonga, 1 868 — Trinidad and Tobago,

216 — Tunisia, 90 — Turkey, 993 — Turkmenistan, 688 — Tuvalu, 256 — Uganda,

380 — Ukraine, 971 — United Arab Emirates, 44 — United Kingdom, 598 — Uruguay,

1 — USA, 7 — Uzbekistan, 39 — Vatican City 58 — Venezuela, 84 — Viet Nam,

1 340 — Virgin Islands, 681 — Wallis and Futuna, 685 — Western Samoa, (381),

(967) — Yemen, 243 — Zaire, (260) — Zambia, (263) — Zimbabwe


Importance of Knowing The Country Code Of Different Countries

From the above, it is very clear that having knowledge of the country code is very important. This might seem almost useless to people who only make local calls.

For them, having an idea about other countries call codes is useless. Some do not even know what their own country code is.

This piece of information might have been able to expose such people to what they need to know because they might need that knowledge sooner or late.

And for those who have the need for international calls or plan on having the same, this article has provided them with all the information they need.

Some of the people in this latter category are students who seek to study away from their countries.

With the information gathered from this page, you should simply download the page or bookmark it for further reference especially pertaining to the list of country codes.

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