Cousins Are Your First Best Friends Quotes

Cousins at times, tend to be your first friend. And the first friends you make are always the most important ones. These friends will be around through thick and thin, they don’t judge, they just give you laughter and an ear in which to cry on when you need to. Your friends might not understand your family like your cousins do, even if they are younger or older than you.

It’s important to tell these special people in your life just how much they mean to you. Whether it’s on their birthday or not, it is good your cousin know that you’re thinking about them and appreciate their presence in your life.

We live in a digital world, but have you ever thought about what happened in the times before technology? We have forgotten to cherish our relatives and friends. Well, here is a list of quotes about your first best friend your cousin.

Everyone needs someone like them who will understand them any time of the day and understand them too without asking questions. For such an understanding relation! Feel free to make use of them.

Cousins are your first best friends. You can trust them with anything. They give the most valuable things that no one else could ever give. They make you feel special and never alone. When you are cousins with someone you will forever be friends.

1. Cousins are sweet and lovely. They are all so pretty and nice, and they are always there to help and they help when you need to know the truth.

2. Cousins are your first best friends. They understand you, and they always agree, and they never make you pay.

3. Treasure your cousins, they were your first friends and they will love you forever. They are your cousins throughout life.

4. Cousin, will always be your first best friend, and will always be there for you, through the good and the bad.

5. The joy of having cousins is the joy of having friends and they’re your first best friends treasure them because they’re your first friends.

6. Every care a cousin gives should be always treasured. Cousins are amazing because they’re the ones that can tell whatever is on your mind.

7. Cousins are your first best friends. They are the ones that you can tell anything to. They are the ones who know you too well, cherish them.

8. Cousins are your first best friends, they understand and they show care, and they never leave you alone and they always look out for you.

9. Cousins are your first best friends. They are the ones that you can tell anything to. They are the ones who know you from the inside out, charity remembers the good times, love remembers the bad times.

10. Cousins are your first best friends, they look up to you, and they love you, they’re always there to help you, they’re always there when you need them.

11. Cousins are your first best friends, there to guide you, protect you and make you smile. Cousins are your first best friends, the first and last to hug you.

12. Cousins are your first best friends. They’re the only friends guaranteed to be there for the rest of their life, they’re the first friends you make, so don’t let them go.

13. Cousins are your first best friends. There is no one like a cousin, they’re special, because they’re smart, and wouldn’t mind going extra mile for you.

14. Cousins are to be cherished and loved they give you a lift when times are tough their love and attention are a great gift to get through the day and the night.

15. When others tell you that you’re just a kid, cousins will tell you that I’m your friend, I know you’ll always be my friend and we’ll always be together.

16. Cousins are your first best friends. They are the ones who will support and comfort you, when your world turns upside down, they will spend their time with you.

17. Your cousins are your first best friends. They understand they care, they are always there, they are your second-best friends.

18. I treasure my cousins. They were my first best friends, they always cared for me, and I’m sure they will love me forever.

19. It’s true what they say about cousins, you get a second chance to meet them, and when you do, you’ll be glad you did, they’re your first best friends.

20. Cousins are your first best friends. They are kind and sweet and lovely to be with, they understand and they always show care, when you need a shoulder to lean on or a hug, when you are sad or lonely.

21. Cousins are your first best friends. They’ll take a bullet for you, they are your first best friends.

22. Have you ever thought about cousins, how wonderful they are with their smiles? They are not only your first best friends, but they are also only the best friend you have ever had.

23. Cousins are your best friends they understand you better than anyone. And they are lovely people.

24. Cousins are your first best friends. They are understanding, they won’t give you a hard time and will always be there if you need them, but you never realize that until they are gone.

25. Cousins are your first best friends, they are always there for you, they understand you and they always show care.

26. Cousins are your first best friends. They care for you and will always be there to help you learn from your mistakes, and keep you in good health, they are your first best friends.

27. Cousins are your first best friends. Your first love and always will be, they will always be there for you, they will never let you down.

28. Cousins are your first best friends they will love you forever don’t ever forget that.

29. Cousins are your first best friends. When they say it is okay, they mean the world. If they say everything’s all right, you know that they understand.

30. Your cousins are the ones who know you the best, they’re the ones that care for you the most, cousins are the first best friends you’ll ever have.

31. Cousins are your first best friends, they love you genuinely and they are always there to show care.

32. Cousins are your first best friends, they know you better. when you’re down they will pick you up, they’re the ones who understand your trials and tribulations.

33. Cousins are your first best friends, they love you as much as you can be loved, they’ll never ever tell you lies, they’re honest with you and never pretend.

34. Cousins are your first best friends, they understand you better, cuz they know how much you miss them.

35. Cousins are your first best friends. They’re the ones who will always be there for you. They’re the ones who will never leave you, they’re your family, you’re yours.

36. Cousins are your first best friends. They are the ones you can tell anything to they understand you better, you know they are the ones that you can rely on and they will be strong enough to carry your burdens

37. Cousins are the first friends you make and they are the only friends guaranteed to be there for the rest of their life.

38. As you grow up, you make new friends, but you can’t forget about your cousins, they’re family, after all.

39. We need to treasure our cousins! They are our first best friends, they are the first ones to show us kindness, they are the first ones to hug us.

40. All my life I have had cousins a cousin every year. I know that friends are special, but my cousins are still my best first friend.

41. Cousins are your first best friends, they are always selfless. They are never tired of helping you, and they will always show you love and care.

42. Cousins are your first best friends, your first and only friends you’ll ever know they will always be in your heart like a stone, they will always be there to keep you close.

43. Cousins are the first friends you make and they are the only friends guaranteed to be there for the rest of their life. My cousin and I are best friends and we both love each other.

44. You can’t be a friend to the ones you’ve never had, but the ones you do have, you’ll treasure forever. Your cousins are your first best friends.

45. Do not take cousins for granted, they are your first best friends. They understand and always show care, they are sweet and lovely to be with.

46. I’ll never be able to forget you, you were always there for me, I’ll never see you again, but I hope and pray that we will always be best friends dear, cousin.

47. Cousins are your first best friends, they’re the ones you can always count on, cousins are your first best friends, they’re the ones who’ll always be there for you.

48. First best friends I’ve ever known, are the ones that you make at three, you’ll have misbehaved, and caused a lot of tears, but your cousin will always be there for you.

49. Cousins are your first best friends, they are the ones that you can tell anything to. They are the ones who know you from the inside out.

50. There are many things to be thankful for, for the world, the stars and the sky, for the many blessings we have received, but my favourite things are my cousins.

51. Cousins are your first best friends, and shouldn’t be taken for granted.

52. That’s because you choose your friends. Your cousins are the first and best friends that your parents choose for you, and they’re the only friends you’ll have guaranteed.

53. Cousins are the first friends you make, and they always stick with you throughout your life.

54. Cousins are the first friends we make and they always stay best friends.

55. Cousins are your first best friends and they always care.

56. Cousins are the first friends. And they make the best memory.

57. Cousins are your first best friends and the first people who help you learn to share.

58. Friends may come and go, but cousins are the friends we get to choose. A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.

59. You meet people, and you think they’re going to be in your life forever. Then something changes and suddenly they’re just a stranger.

60. Cousins are the first friends you make and they are always lovely and caring. They are lovely people.

61. Celebrating our cousins because they’re the first friends you make, always lovely and caring, and share a special bond

62. Cousins are the family members you grow up with. And they are always the best friend you can keep

63. A day is not complete without spending time with your loving cousins. They are awesome people.

64. One thing I love about having cousins is that they are always eager to play a game of catch up, no matter how long we’ve been apart.

65. Cousins are the first friends you make and they are always lovely and caring.

66. I’ve always loved my cousins because cousins are the first friends you make, and it’s a pretty cool thing to have someone you can call your friend before you even know what a friend is.

67. Cousins deserve to be loved because they are so caring and such good friends. They always make you feel special.

68. Cousins are a special group of people who enter your life as a family but feel more like friends.

69. Cousins are a reminder that family is forever and while they change, they never leave.

70. A cousin is a special bond. A friendship, at first sight, a bond for life.

71. Blessed to have cousins that have been there for me through the good and the bad and changed my life. I know we will stay connected forever.

72. Being around my cousins always brings me joy and that’s why I love the concept of family. Cousins are lovely.

73. Cousins are the first friends one makes, and they are always so lovely and caring that one has no difficulty in being grateful to Providence for bestowing them upon us.

74. Cousins, they’re the first friends you make and they’re the ones you never outgrow.

75. Cousin, you are one of the coolest and most caring people I know. They are everything you want They motivate and inspire

76. Cousins usually share a special bond. They’re the first friends you make, they always loved you and cared for you when nobody else did. They’re the only ones who will play with you at recess even if everyone else is doing something else.

77. Cousins are some of the first friends that we make. They always lift our spirits and never let us down. Thank you, cousins!

78. Your cousins are your first friends. They’re genuine, caring and full of love.

79. A cousin is a little bit parent and a little bit best friend.

80. A cousin is a gift to the heart, a link to our past, and a mirror to our future.

81. Cousins are the first friends we make in life and for most of us, they’re our first introduction to the world of friendship.

82. Cousins are the friends who listen to your pointless dramas, tell you embarrassing stories & believe in your dreams.

83. Cousins are friends that will love you forever. A cousin is a ready-made friend for life.

84. A good friend knows all your best stories. A cousin was there for all of them.

85. You can always say you have a friend, but you never really have a friend, until you have a cousin

86. Cousins are the first best friends you make in life. Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends.

87. Cousins are the friends you wish you had in life after a fight with your besties.

88. It’s so cool to have a best friend who understands you better than anyone else. You are the best cousin ever!

89. Cousins are the people whom you don’t get to pick but still end up loving.

90. No matter where we go in life or who we become, our cousins will always be there to remind us of who we really are.

91. When you’ve found your soulmate. You marry them. When you’ve found a cousin like that, you keep them close.

92. A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. My cousin is my best friend.

93. Cousins are the first best friends we make. Cousins are the friends that will love you forever.

94. If you have a cousin, then you have a best friend for life Cousin by blood, best friend by choice.

95. Cousins are connected heart to heart, distance and time can’t break them apart.

96. A cousin is someone who knows all about you but loves you anyway!

97. Our cousins are friends who will love us even when we are too unlovable.

98. Cousins are the first friends people make in life. They are a gift that keeps on giving. Whether you have a cousin by blood or marriage, they will always be there for you.

99. Our cousins are our family’s extended family, and all the more so because we have chosen them!

100. Cousins are the first friends people make in life. They are a gift that keeps on giving. Whether you have a cousin by blood or marriage, they will always be there for you.

Having cousins is more than having a best friend to play with. Cousins are our playmates, but they offer us more than that. They are part of our lives and we can lean on them no matter what happens.

So take care of your cousins. Cherish them because they will be special in your life because they are part of your clan or family. Please, do like and leave your comment in the comment section if there’s any.

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