Coverage of Tiv/Fulani Conflict

 – Coverage of Tiv/Fulani Conflict – 

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One of the most serious problems facing Nigeria as a country today is the high incidence of the Tiv/Fulani conflict. The conflict has become so rampant that no day passes without an incident of conflict reported in the national newspapers in one part of the country or the other.

Thus, it seems that the audacity of the perpetrators increases daily as more lives are lost and properties destroyed. This situation further aggravates other social problems including fear, anxiety and the feeling of general insecurity which limits the effectiveness of national development.

What then is the role of the print media in resolving the conflict in order to bring about peace and sustainable development to a growing economy like Nigeria?

The aim of this research is to explore ways through which the media, particularly the print media can better deploy effective communication towards conflict resolution.

The major objectives are to ascertain how newspapers report the Tiv/Fulani conflict and to examine how these reports have resolved or negatively affected the resolution of the conflict.

The researcher interviewed the reporters of both newspapers, which revealed that all newspapers under study see their report as balanced and objective but this was disputed by the Focus Group Discussion.

the analysis of Daily Trust and Vanguard newspapers from March 2014 to March 2015 using their character, word, theme and space, where some reports were seen to favour one party against the other and this has caused death, hatred among members of the community.


CERTIFICATION …………………….. iv
ABSTRACT………………….. xi
1.0 Background to the Study………………..1
1.1 Statement of the Research Problem ………………..10
1.2 Aim of the Study………………….11
1.3 Objectives of the Study………………..11
1.4 Research Questions………………..11
1.5 Significance of the Study ………………12
1.6 Scope of the Study …………………..13
1.7 Limitation to the Study ………………….13
2.0 Review of the Related Literature …………………..14
2.1 Concept of Conflict………………………14
2.2 Conflict Theory………………………..15
2.3 Conflict and Development Communication ………17
2.4 General Overview of the Press………………20
2.5 Mass Media…………………….21
2.6 Press Framing…………………….23
2.7 Press Freedom…………………….23
2.8 Benue State (Tiv)……………….24
2.9 The Fulani…………………….26
2.10 Fulani/Benue Crisis, How it Started …………….27
2.11. Report on Communal Crisis in Agatu Local Government Area of Benue state. 2/5/ 2013 by National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)…….28
2.12 Conflict Resolution ……………..35
2.13 The Role of the Media in Conflict Resolution…………….36
2.14 Problem of the Press in Reporting Conflict …………….38
2.15 Deliberations…………………………41
2.16 Resolutions……………………………42
2.17 Critique/ Identification of Gap…………………..43
2.18 Daily Trust and Vanguard Newspapers………………..49
2.19 Functions of Newspapers………………51
2.20 Theoretical Framework…………………….52
2.21 Social Responsibility Theory…………………..52
2.22 Framing Theory ………………………….58
Research Methodology ………………….62
3.0 Introduction…………………………….62
3.1 Research Design……………………….62
3.2 Study Population…………………….62
3.3 Sampling Technique ………………………….63
3.4 Sample Size……………………………64
3.5 Instrument of Data Collection……………..65
3.6 Units of Newspaper Analysis………………….66
3.7 Content Categories…………………………..68
3.8 Method of Data Analysis…………………..68
3.9 Inter – Coder Reliability of Newspapers……………….69
Data Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis…………..70
4.0 Introduction…………………….70
4.1 Data Presentation and Interpretation………….72
4.2 Introduction to the Headlines and Inside Story…………..80
4.3 Benue Community, Fulani Herdsmen Sign Peace Pact (DAILY TRUST)…..80
4.4 Fulani, Tiv, Agatu agree cease fire in Benue (DAILY TRUST) ……….81
4.5 Fulani Herdsmen Sign Peace Accord On April 1, 2014 (VANGUARD)………83
4.6 25 killed as Fulani Herdsmen, Tiv Youths Clash in Benue (VANGUARD)……..84
4.7 12 killed in fresh Tiv, Fulani crisis (DAIL TRUST) …………..85
4.8 Suspected Fulani militia invade Tiv community, kill six (VANGUARD)…….87
4.9 Implications of some of the Coverage (Guma, Gwer West and Logo)……..88
4.10 Discussion of Findings……………………96
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations ………104
5.0 Introduction………………104
5.1 Summary……………….104
5.2 Conclusion …………………..106
5.3 Recommendations………………108
5.4 Suggestions…………………………..109
5.5 Contribution to Knowledge………110
REFERENCES ……………………………. 111


Background to the Study

The Nigeria press has been a vehicle in the sustenance of national issues and a medium of conflict resolution, but none has made this role more decisive than the presentation of conflict.

This is because Nigeria is a country divided by religion, and ethnicity, several violent pogrom shave over the years been attempted on the two halves, violence and conflict have been reoccurring in the history of Nigeria to such an extent that looking back in history it is hard to see a time Nigeria was not going through one violent agitator or one several dimension from asecessionist movement (Mustapha, 2004).

The media undoubtedly have a major role to play in conflict resolution. This is because individuals, groups and communities usually have cause to disagree on one issue or the other.

Except the conflict is quickly resolved, it may degenerate into major crisis requiring peaceful resolution,(Lekan, 2013). This research is against the backdrop that conflict will always occur and it is the responsibility of the press to report or cover them.

But the way in which the Nigerian media, especially the print media report conflict and other related issues of national importance is of great concern to many Nigerians. Nigeria is a country characterized by diverse ethnic groups that are scattered in the six geo-political zones of the country.


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