Cultural Factors Affecting Workers Productivity in Nigeria


It is a well-known fact that organization develops a particular work practice and altitude, which relied, their shared values, aspirations and goals.

A is made up of people with diverse values and ; the organization is expected to recognize these . The more the organization accept these values, the higher the morale and productivity of the employee. This is easier when member of this organization are drawn from the same ethnic configuration.

The culture of people which constitute the organization, would which to express their diverse values and expected that such to be respected.

Culture constitutes the spiritual consciousness of  people and it is deep rooted in their daily lives and they will give their best to those who will make them grow and allow them retain their basic core values.

However, in any organization there are power bases and corporate culture are influenced by the culture of that power base. In most organizations in Nigeria, the culture of the host community and country at large determines how work is done.

The study discovered that management practices are influenced by culture, the cultural orientation of the company’s management determines the management practice they adopt.

It is the management responsibility to cause its workforce to stretch in other to align to the culture being practice by the organization. In the light of the above, this study employs a descriptive survey method in analyzing the impact of culture in organizational performance.

Primary and secondary source of data were employed. Questionnaires were developed and distributed to the stall of the NBC for a First hand information and chi-square were used to analyse the data and recommendations were made.


Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of Contents viii


1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 Research Questions 6
1.5 Research Hypothesis 6
1.6 Scope of the Study 7
1.7 Limitations of the Study 7
1.8 The Historical Background of Coca-Cola 9
1.9 Definition of Terms 14
References 16


2.1 Culture Formally Defined 19
2.2 Types of Organizational Culture 21
2.3 Level of Culture 23
2.4 Patterns of Organisational Culture 24
2.5 Culture Web/Elements of Culture 26
2.6 Characteristics of Organisational Culture 28
2.7 Dimensions of Culture 29
2.8 How Managers Create Organisation Culture 33
2.9 Functions of Culture 35
2.10 Influences on the Development of Culture 37
2.11 Culture and Orcanisational Performance 40
2.12 Managerial Implications: the Organisational Culture Challenge 43
2.13 How Does Culture Impact Orcanisational Outcomes 45
2.14 Measuring and Understanding how Culture Works 46
2.15 Adaptive and Unadaptive Culture 47
References 50


3.1 Research Methods 51
3.2 The Survey Methods 51
3.3. Sources of Data 53
3.3.1 Primary Sources of Data 53
3.3.2 The Secondary Source of Data 54
3.4 Population of Study 54
3 5 Sample Size and Sampling Technique 54
3.6 Method of Data Analysis 56


4.1 Introduction 58
4.2 Testing of Hypotheses 68


5.1 Introduction 77
5.2 Summary of Findings 78
5.3 Conclusion 79
5.4 Recommendations 80
Research Questionnaire


1.1 Background of the Study

All organisation have certain resources, which they utilize to achieve the organisational objectives.

In modem times, these resources are money, man, materials and machine. Akpala (1990:2). He stresses the need for the combination and utilization of these resources for attaining organizational goals.

These goals are about getting an organization into division of labour, assigning work to different people, creation of hierarchy and establishment of power centers.

All these are being performed through and with” individuals in an ever changing organizational environment.

So  manager have to adjust their managerial operations in the context of environmental factors just as the exchange between the organization and the factors of its environment can bring about and influence the organization, Hampton (1992:12).

One of environmental factor that concerns this study in a way is culture and its influence on organizational performance.


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Awuda, K. (1998), Management Lagos: Intec Publisher Ltd Hampton, W (1992) Managing People in an Organization. London Evan & McDonald

Nwatu, R. (1 999), Culture and Organizational Performance Benin City: Ethiopia Publishing Co.

Pascal, R. (1999), Culture and Environmental Influences on Management” Issues in management (ed) New York: Harper & Row Inc.

Trewartha, R. and Newport, M. (1995), Management Functions and Behaviour Texas: penguin Books Ltd.

Bhaskar, C.. (2007) “Human Resources Management” A Contemporary Text. India: Sterling Publishers Private Limited 419-443

Debra L Nelson and James C. Quik (2005) “Understanding Oiganistional 13eha’iour” USA: Globus Printing, Inc.

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