The government of president Olusegun since inception in May, 1999 has expressed deep concern about the rising incidence of poverty in Nigeria. The government realized that if the worsening poverty situation is not checked, the future of the nation would be dommed. In light of this the government has introduced a number of programmes and measures aimed at making a dent on poverty among the early activities of the Government were the launching of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme the Poverty Alleviation Programme and the constitution of the Ahmed Joda Panel in 1999 and the Ango Abdullahi Committee in 2000. The immediate concern of the panel/committee was the streamlining and rationalization of existing poverty alleviation institutions,

and the coordinated implementation and monitoring of relevant schemes and programmes. These culminated in the introduction early in 2001 of the National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) and the establishment of the National Poverty Eradication Council (NAPEC).

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