A Comparative Study between Male and Female Students’ Performance in Senior Secondary School Mathematics

A Comparative Study between Male and Female Students’ Performance in Senior Secondary School Mathematics.

Table of Contents


This study was designed to diagnose students’ performance in Mathematics in senior secondary school in Katsina Metropolis.

The study centered its review of related literature on task factor on gender difference in mathematics performance, environmental factor as well as process factors in teaching mathematics. Average, percentage and measures of relationship were used as approach to data analysis.

The study revealed that task factors, process factors, environmental factors and process factors in teaching and learning mathematics influenced the general performance of the students in mathematics.

Based on the finding of the study, suggestion were offered in the last chapter of the project. This is to guide the mathematics teachers and Government on how to improve the students’ performance in mathematics. Among secondary school students.


1. Tittle Page ………..……………………………………..i
2. Certification …………………………………………….ii
3. Dedication……………………………………………..iii
4. Acknowledgement……………………………………..iv
5. Abstract…….…………………………………………..v
6. Table of Contents………………………………………vi
7. List of Tables……………………………………………ix

CHAPTER ONE: (Introduction)

1.1 Background to the study…………………………….…1
1.2 Statement of the problem……………………………….3
1.3 Objective of the study…………………………………..3
1.4 Research question……………… ……………………4
1.5 Research hypothesis…………….…………………….5
1.6 Significance of the study……………. …………………5
1.7 Scope and delimitation………………………………….7
1.8 Summary……………………………………………….8

CHAPTER TWO: (Review of the Related Literature)

2.1 Introduction…….…………….……………………..10
2.2 Male Students’ Performance in mathematics……….11
2.3 Female Students’ performance in mathematics……..17
2.4 Comparison of Male and Female Students’ in Mathematics performance 25
2.5 Implication of the Review to the Present Study……..32
2.6 Summary………………………………….…..……..34

CHAPTER THREE: (Research Methodology)

3.1 Introduction…………………………………………35
3.2 Research Design…………………………………….36
3.3 Population……………………………………..…….36
3.3.1 Sample and Sampling Procedure…………………37
3.4 Instrument……………………………………..……38
3.4.1 Validity of the Instrument…………………………39
3.4.2 Reliability of the Instrument………………………39
3.4.3 Administration of the Instrument…………………39
3.5 Method of Scoring……………………….…………40
3.6 Pilot Study Report………………………………….41

CHAPTER FOUR: (Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion)

4.1 Introduction…………………………………………45
4.2 Data presentation…………………………………….46
4.3 General Discussion………………………………….57
4.4 Summary…………………………………………….59

CHAPTER FIVE: (Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations)

5.1 Summary……………………………………………..60
5.2 Finding of the Study…………………………………62
5.3 Recommendations……………………………………63
5.4 Conclusion………………………………..………….65



1.1 Background to the Study

Nigeria is aware of the need to become self-reliant technologically and scientifically. Therefore attention has to be given to Mathematics as the language of science.

National Policy on Education (NPE) (2006 p.1) states that “there will be equal educational opportunities for all’’.

It was discovered that, the female’s gender that forms about 48% of the Nigerian population census (2006) was not found in the school. This was due to societal pressure on females such as early marriage, distribution of girls from schooling by other factors.

Bandele (1988) revealed that “the differences in students’ performance are always attributed to environmental or process variables.

This is in line with section 18 sub sections 1 and 3 of the Nigerian constitution which guarantees education as a right for every Nigerian child”.

In realization of the importance of mathematics, science and technology, the NPE stipulates that “Education will be used as an instrument for scientific, technological and cultural development of the society’’.


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