An Appraisal of Open System Business Policy Models in the Management of Mission Hospitals in South South Nigeria

An Appraisal of Open System Business Policy Models in the Management of Mission Hospitals in South South Nigeria.


The purpose of this research is to analyse the appraisal of open system business policy model in the management of mission hospitals in the South South Nigeria, the study was motivated by the need to give possible strategies and solution through the use of open system business policy model in the management of mission hospitals in the South South Nigeria.

The population of the study was 732 staff of the 10 selected mission hospitals in Edo State, Delta State, River State and Cross River State in south- south Nigeria.

A sample size of 502 was determined from the population using Taro Yamane’s formula in conjunction with two-tail test. The hypotheses were tested using non parametric statistical technique which included: Friedman Chi-square and Z-test.

The findings reveal that the reasons for failure in service delivery among mission hospitals in South South Nigeria are due to abortive business policies, increasing rate of changes in technology, unhealthy work environment and high bureaucratic difficulties (x2c = 496.660 > x2t= 7.815, df =3 p<0.05).

There is a significant relationship between open system business policy model and the management of mission hospital in South South Nigeria (Zc= 372.422 > Zt= 1.96, a<0.05).

That Open system model to large extents has assisted the mission hospitals in South South Nigeria to benefit from its environment through exchange of information, procurement of both input and economic resources, ability to adapt to changes in the environment and effective quality service to patients (Zc= 4.179 >Zt= 1.96, a<0.05).

The appropriate means for improving quality of service to patient among mission hospitals in South South Nigeria are adaptation of suitable open system business policy model, enabling work environment, implementation of constant training programs and the presence of foreign professionals (expatriate) (x2c = 372.422 > x2t= 7.815, df =3 p<0.05).

Environmental effect on quality service delivery to patients among mission hospitals in South South Nigeria are unstable Government policy, increasing rate of changes in technology, environmental conflict and poor innovation (Zc= 4.186 >Zt= 1.96, a<0.05)

Based on the result of the study, the following recommendations were made: Hospital Organizations should adopt a suitable open system business policy model that will enable them interact properly with their environment for exchange of information and procurement of both input and economic resources.

Hospital Management should continually implementing constant staff training programme to improve synergy and cooperation in work place Hospital Management should acquire the model equipment  and foreign professionals (expatriate) which will be advantageous in the production of quality of service to patients.

The study concludes that with appropriate implementation of suitable open system business policy models and proper environmental consideration there will be effective and improved service quality for patients among mission hospitals in South South Nigeria, environmental prediction and adaptation, effective and improved synergy, team spirit and cooperation in work place


Declaration – – – – – – – – – ii
Approval – – – – – – – – – iii
Dedication – – – – – – – – – iv
Acknowledgements – – – – – – – – v
Table of contents – – – – – – – – vi
List of Tables – – – – – – – – – x
List of Figures – – – – – – – – xi
Abstract – – – – – – – – – xii


1.1 Background of the Study – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of Problem – – – – – 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study – – – – – 5
1.4 Research Questions – – – – – 6
1.5 Research Hypotheses – – – – – 6
1.6 Significance of the Study – – – – – 7
1.7 Scope of the Study – – – – – 7
1.8 Limitations of the Study – – – – – 8
1.9 Profile of the Selected Mission Hospitals under Study – – 8
1.10 Operational Definition of Terms – – – – – 12


2.0 Introduction – – – – – 14
2.1 Conceptual Framework – – – – – 14
2.1.1 The Purpose of Policies – – – – – 15
2.1.2 Characteristic of Business Policy – – – – – 16
2.1.3 Element of Business Policy – – – – – 16
2.1.4 Types of Policies – – – – – 17
2.1.6. Implementation of Business Policy – – – – – 19
2.1.7 Objectives of Business Policy – – – – – 20
2.2 Theoretical Framework – – – – – 20
2.2.1 Introduction – – – – – 20
2.2.2 Open System Model – – – – – 20
2.2.3 Characteristics of Open Systems – – – – – 24
2.2.4 Open Systems Management – – – – – 25
2.2.5 Closed-System Models: – – – – – 25
2.2.6 Business Environment – – – – – 27
2.2.7 Characteristics of Environment – – – – – 29
2.2.8 Classification of Environment – – – – – 30
2.2.9 External and Internal Environment of Business – – – 30
2.2.10 Classification Based on the Rate of Change – – – – 31
2.2.11 Nigerian Business Environment. – – – – – 32
2.2.12 Environmental Effect of Businesses – – – – – 33
2.2.13 Types of Environment faced by Business Organizations – – 33
2.2.14 Impact of Public Policies on Businesses – – – – 37
2.2.15 Open systems and Environments – – – – – 39
2.2.16 Nature and scope of hospital – – – – – 39
2.2.17 Functions of the Hospital – – – – – 40
2.2.18 Service Quality and Open Business Policy in Hospitals – – 41
2.2.19 Increasing Patient Satisfaction and Quality of Care – – – 42
2.2.20 Challenges in the Administration of Mission Hospital – – 43
2.2.21 Human Resource Management as a Profession in Mission Hospitals 45
2.2.22 Role of Human Resource Management in Hospitals – – – 46
2.2.23 Human Resource Requirements in Hospitals: – – – 49
2.2.24 Causes for Poor Human Resource Management – – – 49
2.2.25 Manpower Planning – – – – – 50
2.2.26 Benefits of Manpower Planning – – – – – 50
2.2.27 Objectives of Manpower Planning – – – – – 51
2.2.28 Teamwork – – – – – 51
2.2.29 Team-building among Health Care Professionals – – – 52
2.2.30 Association among Health Care Professionals – – – 53
2.3 Empirical Review – – – – – 54
2.3 .1 Introduction – – – – – 54
2.4 Summary of the Related Literature Review – – – – 56


3.1 Introduction – – – – – 61
3.2 Research Design – – – – – 61
3.3 Sources of Data – – – – – 61
3.4.1 Instruments for Data Collection – – – – – 62
3.5 Population of the study – – – – – 62
3.6 Sample Size Determination and Sample Technique – – – 64
3.7 Sampling Procedure – – – – – 66
3.8 Validity and Reliability of Instrument – – – – 66
3.8.1 Validity of instrument – – – – – 66
3.8.2 Reliability of Instrument – – – – – 66
3.9 Data Treatment Techniques – – – – – 66


4.0 Introduction – – – – – 69
4.1 Questionnaires Distribution and Response – – – – 69
4.2 Hypotheses Testing – – – – – 91
4.3 Discussion of Results – – – – – 103


5.1 Summary of Major Finding – – – – – 110
5.2 Recommendation – – – – – 111
5.3 Conclusion – – – – – 111
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge – – – – – 111
5.5 Areas for Further Research – – – – – 113
Bibliography – – – – – 114
Questionnaire – – – – – 118


Background of the Study

A policy is considered the general guideline for decision making. Kalejaye, (1998) defines policy as the objectives, the mode of thought and the body of principle underlying the activities of an organization Business policy is a guide and roadmap to create awareness and direction to the management of any organization.

It publicizes the rights and obligations of different rung of the ladder- horizontal and vertical-of the different capital human resource engagement, finance utilization etc.

It ensures that organizations deliver better end product within a framework. It encourages, promotes and improves performance attainment in an organization. Policy provides the bedrock for vision and mission statement of the business organization along the corporate objectives and goal.

Policy enables the business to be assessed and given an image by the way they carry out their responsibility along with their relationship with their clients/customers. It is the ‘barometer’ of playing by the rule and gives purpose to the strategy thrust of the organization.

Business Policy defines the scope or spheres within which decisions can be taken by the subordinates in an organization (Wikipedia, 2012).

It permits the lower level management to deal with the problems and issues without consulting top level management every time for decisions.

It is the study of the roles and responsibilities of top level management, the significant issues affecting organizational success and the decisions affecting organization in long-run.

Tracing the history of business policy, Kazmi (2006) states that it can be traced back to 1911, when the Harvard Business School introduced an integrative course in management in view of providing general management capability.

This course was based on case studies which had been in use at the School for instructional purposes since 1908 (Christensen, et. al., 1982 cited in Kazmi, 2006).

However, the real impetus for introducing business policy in the curriculum of business schools (as management institutes or departments are known in the United States) came with the publication of two reports in 1959.

In 1969, the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business), a regulatory body for business schools, made the course of business policy a mandatory requirement for the purpose of recognition.


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