An Assessment of Audience Perception of Commercial Break

An Assessment of Audience Perception of Commercial Break.


The study examined the assessment of audience perception of commercial break. The study adopted survey method of research design and a sample size of 400 that was derived from study population of 3301,657. Questionnaire was the main data collection instrument used for the collection of data.

Data collected were analysed in simple percentage. The finding of the study showed that  most of the audiences perceived commercial breaks to be so distraction  and for such should be discontinued in TV programme.

It was also observed in the findings that the audiences have various perception toward commercial breaks and irrespective of the various perceptions the audiences still  perceive it to come at beginning of a programme if at all the commercials have to be aired.

It on this ground that the study recommends that TV commercial programme presenters should design commercials in such a way that it will not distract the audiences’ form watching and listening to other TV programme and at the same time  commercial breaks should come at the beginning of programmes in order to enable the audiences to concentrate on TV programmes other than commercials.


Effective advertising requires an understanding of the target audience and their relationship with the brand. However, advertisements are worthless to advertisers unless the consumer toward whom the advertisement is directed pays attention to it.

Existing literature suggests that slotting commercial at moments when a consumer is fully involved with the content of the programme is strategic. Advertising revenue provides a significant portion of the funding for most privately- owned television networks.

The vast majority of television advertisement today consists of brief advertising spots ranging in length from a few seconds to several minutes. Advertisements of this sort have been used to promote a wide variety of goods, services and ideas and thus how the mass media audience reacts to commercial breaks is the focus of this study.


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