Application of Computer Forensics in the Management and Control of Social Network Site (SNS) related Cybercrime

 – Application of Computer Forensics in the Management and Control of Social Network Site (SNS) related Cybercrime – 

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The study set out to investigate whether digital forensic model will help reduce related SNS related crimes in Ogun State.

The major problems identified was an increasing wave of SNS related crime in the country which portends enormous challenge to customers, banks and threatens the nations’ economy.

A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The perception of male and female social network users and crime detectives and legal professionals were elicited using a descriptive questionnaire, the responses were subjected to descriptive analyses.

It was found that fishing, identity theft, ’ Loss of identity, illegal money transfers, scamming, spamming, skimming, PIN interceptions are the most frequent forms of SNS related crimes committed in Nigeria. It was also found that the SNS related crimes have negative impacts on Nigerians and the image of the nation.

and increased awareness on SNS related crimes will help to reduce SNS related fraud in Nigeria.

Low level of awareness on , Low literacy level, cost of installing digital forensics applications and Technological know-how are the limitations of the digital forensic techniques in combating card fraud.


Certification       ii

Dedication          iii

Acknowledgement         iv

ABSTRACT           vi

TABLE OF CONTENT        viii

Chapter One

Introduction           1

1.1 Background to the Study       1

1.2 Statement of the Problem    6

1.3 Research Questions 6

1.4 Objective of the Study           7

1.5 Significance of the Study       8

1.6 Research Hypotheses             8

1.7 Scope of the study   8

1.8 Operational Definition Terms              9

Chapter Two

Literature Review           10

2.0 Introduction                10

2.1 The Concept of Cybercrime  11

2.2 The concept of Computer Forensics 11

2.3 The Concept of Social Network Service (SNS),             12

2.4 Cybercrime prevalence across the Globe       13

2.5 Cybercrime in Nigeria              15

Mediums for Perpetrating Cybercrimes In Nigeria            18

2.6 Efforts at mitigating Cybercrime and                19

2.7 Appraisal of the literature review      20

CHAPTER THREE                22


3.1 Introduction                22

3.2 Research Design        22

3.3 Population of Study 22

3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique        22

3.5 The Research Instrument      23

3.6 Validity of the Instrument     24

3.7 Procedure for Data Collection             24



4.1 Introduction                26

4.2 Data Presentation    26

4.2.1 Description of Respondents             26

4.2.2 SNS Awareness and Usage               29

4.3 Analyses of Results  31

4.3.1 Crimes associated with the use of SNS        31

4.3.2 How Digital/Computer Forensic techniques will assist in reducing SNS related Crimes            32

4.3.3 Effects of Cybercrimes on Nigerians             34

4.3.4 Limitations of Digital Forensic in combating SNS related fraud in Nigeria.      35

Confirmatory Test           36

4.4 Test of Hypotheses  36

Ho1 Social Network Sites related Cybercrime will have no significant impact on Nigerians               36

Ho1 Adoption of digital forensics will not significantly mitigate SNS related cybercrime in Nigeria.              37

4.5 Summary of Findings               38



5.1 Introduction:              40

5.2          Summary of research     40

5.2          Conclusion          42

5.3          Recommendations          42

Appendix 1         47

Appendix 1 Questionnaire           47


The social changes of recent decades have been primarily driven by the development of information and communications technology.

One of the most significant negative impacts in this context is the emergence and rampancy of cybercrime. Research on criminal activity related to information and communications technology has become a focus of study in the , criminal law and information security.

Cybercrime is a comprehensive topic and attracts scholars from different disciplines. Many have written about the theoretical explanation for cybercrime. Studies of cybercrime have revealed different dimensions of this phenomenon.

While the limited previous first-hand explorations have been widely accepted and cited, inconsistencies exist among various studies.

Unfortunately, in the field of , most subsequent theoretical treatises tend to reinforce the earliest findings, or at most provide some modest revisions.

It is critical to answer the following questions: Who is most likely to commit cybercrime? Who is most likely to be victimized by cybercrime? And what are the similarities between cybercrime perpetrators and their victims?

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