Appraisal of Distribution Strategies of Production Companies

Appraisal of Distribution Strategies of Production Companies.


This research project was carried out to appraise the distribution strategies of production companies, a study of the Nigerian Bottling Company P1c in Enugu.

A sample size of 240 respondents were randomly selected from the Staff, Management and Customers of the Nigerian Bottling Company P1c in Enugu. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analysed using the chi-square test. 

The researcher, based on the data collected and analysed, found out the following:

· The Management & Staff and Distributors of NBC P1c are knowledgeable of distribution strategies of NBC

· NBC P1c Internal and External Publics (Management & Staff and Distributors/Consumers) have positive
perception about the distribution strategies of NBC P1c;

· The distribution policies of NBC P1c are implemented along the line of set objectives;

· The various distribution strategies used by NBC P1c for tackling distribution problems include; multiple
distribution, selective distribution and extensive distribution strategies;

· The NBC Plc Distribution Department has gone to a great extent in coping with short delivery of trucks;

· Physical Distribution policies of NBC Plc have encouraged their consumers’ loyalty;

· There is adequacy in NBC Plc Sales Department programmes for the satisfaction of existing and prospective customers;

· The NBC Plc chosen channels of physical distribution have made impact on the consumer patronage.


Distribution channel is the path through which goods and services traverse as they go from producer to ultimate consumer.

Also, marketing channels or marketing intermediaries represent organized network of agencies and institutions which in combination perform all the activities required to link producers with users and users with producers in order to accomplish the marketing task.

By delivering products and their ownership titles to consumers at the right time, marketing channels therefore, perform a special kind of service to society by generating time, place and ownership utilities.

A sound physical distribution policy are therefore, important as a guideline for companies effective and efficient performance in order to realize and achieve the desired short and long run goals and objectives.

Many business organizations have come short of achieving their desired goals and objectives even after producing high quality products.

These shortcomings have been attributed to improper, ineffective and inefficient strategies as it relates to physical distribution of goods. The purpose of distribution is to make goods to be physically available to the ultimate consumer at reasonable prices.

It is therefore, very imperative that the products are distributed in the most efficient manner to reach the ultimate consumer whose patronage ensures the survival of the organization. By so doing, the organization will enjoy consistent high sales turnover and subsequently high profit delivery. 


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