Appraisal of the Strategic Management Practices in Nigerian Banking Organizations: Selected Studies

In this , we undertook a critical appraisal of the strategic practices of selected old and new banks in Nigeria. It is motivated by the problem of high rate of  bank  distresses and failures in the economy.

The  objectives  therefore were to ascertain the level of corporate , honesty and integrity exhibited by banks’ management/directors in Nigeria;

Discover the level of efficiency in the strategic management of  human, financial and material in Nigerian banks; find out the level of compliance to banking ethics and professionalism that exist in Nigerian banks.

For the research methodology, we adopted opinion survey techniques, where primary data for the study came mainly through questionnaires and personal interviews were conducted where appropriate,

while the secondary data were obtained from unpublished materials, Journals and relevant articles in banking and trade newsletters/in-house journals. The data were analysed through Chi-Square statistical techniques.

Table Of Contents

Title Page  i
Certification ii
Dedication  iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract  v
Table of Contents   vi

  • Overview Of The Study 6
  • Statement of the Problems 15
  • Objectives of Study 17
  • Research Hypotheses 17
  • Background Of The Study Area
  • Significance of Study 18
  • Scope of Study 19
  • Limitations of Study 20

References                21

Reference:                34

  • Research Instrument
  • Structure of the instrument 37
  • Reliability Of The Measuring Instruments 38
  • Population Of The Study
  • Technique Of Data Analysis
  • Sampling Procedure
  • Sampling Techniques
  • Determination of Sample Size 37

References                  39
CHAPTER FOUR : Data Presentations and Analysis

  • Data Presentation
  • Data Analysis
  • Tests of Hypotheses 49

CHAPTER FIVE : Summary of Findings, Discussion of Findings, Recommendations, and Conclusion

  • Summary Of Findings 54
  • Discussion of Findings 54
  • 56
  • Conclusion 56

Bibliography                  58
Appendices                    61


Background Of Study

With the devastating global economic and financial crises, which had seen to the collapse of stocks and banks in many countries of the world, it is the belief of management and financial experts that for any Nigerian bank to survive it, it must adopt wholesome strategic management practices in its corporate governance.

Donli (2005) observed that traditionally, the role of banks whether in a developed or developing economy, consists of financial intermediation, provision of an efficient payments system and serving as conduit for the implementation of monetary  policies.

It has been postulated that if these functions are  efficiently carried out, the economy would be able to mobilise meaningful level of savings and channel these funds in an efficient and effective manner to ensure that no viable project is frustrated due to lack of funds.

The role of banks in economic development has been richly articulated in the literature.


Akpala, Agwu (1990), Management. An Introduction And The Nigerian Perspective, Enugu: Department of Marketing, UNEC.

Ansoff, H.1. (1995), Corporate Strategy, London:  Penguin  Books Ltd.

Chandler, A.D. (1992), Strategy and Structure, Massachusets: MIT Press.

Christen, P.E. and Davis, R.C. (1978), The Fundamentals of Management, New York: Harper and Brothers.

Enudu, T.O. (1999), Business Policy: An introductory Analysis, Enugu: John kens Willy Publications Ltd

Hicks, H.G. and Gullet. C.R. (1987),  Management: International Edition, New York” Mcgraaw-Hill Inc

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