Assessment of Entrepreneurship Education on Self-Employability Among Business Education Graduates of Ahmadu Bello University

Assessment of Entrepreneurship Education on Self-Employability Among Business Education Graduates of Ahmadu Bello University.


The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of entrepreneurship education on self-employability among business education graduates of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria.

Three specific objectives were to determine the influence of entrepreneurship education on the ability of business education graduates of Ahmadu Bello University to establish a new business, among others.

To achieve these objectives three research questions were formulated from the objective to guide the researcher, one among others was, what is the influence of entrepreneurship education on the ability of business education graduates of Ahmadu Bello University to establish new business?

A descriptive survey design was used and the population of the study were sixty-six(66) students graduated from business education Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in the year 2013. A purposive sampling technique of twenty-nine (29) students was used as the sample size of the study.

The instrument for data collection was basically a questionnaire which was validated by the experts. A pilot study of thirty(30) students from the Federal College of Education Zaria was conducted to determine the reliability of the instrument and coefficient correlation of 0.80 was obtained.

The administration of sixty-six (66) copies of the questionnaire to the respondents was done by the researcher through the means of google mailing (Gmail) and they were filled and sent back the responses.


Title page———————————————————————————————–ii







1.1: Background of the Study——————————————————————1

1.2: Statement to the Problem—————————————————————–6

1.3: Objective of the Study———————————————————————7

1.4: Research Questions————————————————————————7

1.5: Hypotheses———————————————————————————-8

1.6: Significance of the Study——————————————————————8

1.7: Basic Assumption of the Study———————————————————–9

1.8: Delimitation of the Study—————————————————————-10

1.9: Operational Definition of Terms——————————————————–10

1.10: Abbreviations——————————————————————————10


2.1: Concept of Entrepreneurship————————————————————12

2.1.1: Features of an Entrepreneur————————————————————-13

2.1.2: Concept of Entrepreneurship Education———————————————–15

2.1.3: Entrepreneurship and National Development—————————————–16
2.1.4: Importance of Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria——————————-20


3.1: Research Design—————————————————————————-44

3.2: Population of the Study——————————————————————–44

3.3: Sample Size and Sampling Procedure—————————————————45

3.4: Instrument for Data Collection———————————————————–46

3.4.1: Validity of the Instrument—————————————————————–47

3.4.2: Pilot Study———————————————————————————–47

3.4.3: Reliability of the Instrument————————————————————–48

3.5: Procedure for Data Collection————————————————————48

3.6: Procedure for Data Analysis————————————————————–48


4.1: Bio-Data of the Respondents————————————————————-50

4.2: Answers to Research Questions———————————————————-51
4.2.1: Research Question One——————————————————————–52


5.1: Summary————————————————————————————-61

5.2: Conclusion———————————————————————————–61

5.3: Recommendations————————————————————————–61


Appendix I——————————————————————————————–67

Appendix II——————————————————————————————-70
Appendix III——————————————————————————————73


Background of the Study

Business education is a course that prepares for entry into advancement in jobs within the business and it is equally important because its prepare students to handle their own business affairs and to function intelligently as consumers and citizens in a business economy.

It is an educational program that equips an individual with functional and suitable skills, knowledge, attitude and value that would enable him/her operate in the environment he/she finds himself/herself.

It is, therefore, to note that the major objectives of business education are to provide employment. Business education graduates are men or women who have a complete business education program at the university.

The first task is to teach and participate in business in order to educate others and to sustain themselves. Business education is a form of training which helps to achieve all the aims of education at any level of learning.

Business education includes education for office occupation, distribution and marketing occupation, teaching business subjects, business administration and economics understanding.


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