Assessment of Institutional Capacity and Quality of Education in Ahmadu Bello University and University of Ibadan in Service Delivery

 – Assessment of Institutional Capacity and Quality of Education in Ahmadu Bello University and University of Ibadan in Service Delivery – 

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Nigerian universities are facing serious challenges so much that their essence and philosophy as a center of excellence for the production of graduates that will not just meet the national goals but can compete globally is threatened.

Inadequate infrastructures, obsolete learning and teaching equipment, have been traced to the issue of underfunding of universities.

The problem of student population explosion without commensurate expansion in facilities and teaching staff, defective academic curriculum are issues that the Nigerian university system has been grappling with over the years.

This study attempts to assess the Institutional Capacity and Quality of Education in Ahmadu Bello University and University of Ibadan in Quality Service Delivery of funding academic staff and the nature of academic curriculum of Ahmadu Bello University and University of Ibadan in service delivery.

Data were collected through the primary and secondary sources. The primary sources consist of questionnaire and interview. Questionnaires were administered to the academic and management staff while interview were conducted on the management staff to complement research questionnaires.


Title Page- – – – – – – – – – -i
Declaration- – – – – – – – – – -ii
Certification – – – – – – – – – – -iii
Dedication- – – – – – – – – – -iv
Acknowledgment- – – – – – – – – -v
Abstract – – – – – – – – – – -vi
Table of Contents- – – – – – – – – -vii
Lists of Figures- – – – – – – – – -xi
List of Tables– – – – – – – – -xii
List of Appendices- – – – – – – – – -xv

1.1 Background to the Study- – – – – – – -1
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem – – – – – -3
1.3 Research Questions- – – – – – – – -4
1.4 Objectives of the Study- – – – – – – -5
1.5 Research Hypotheses- – – – – – – -5
1.6 Significance of the Study – – – – – – – -5
1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study – – – – – -6
1.8 Operational Definition of Key Terms- – – – – -7

2.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – -9
2.2 University Education in the Nigerian Context- – – – -9
2.3 Challenges of Nigerian University- – – – – – -11
2.4 The Silent Revolution: On-going Reform to Attain World Class Status-33
2.5 Theoretical Framework – – – – – – – -34
2.6 Status of input into the Nigerian University System – – – -37

3.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – -43
3.2 Research Design – – – – – – – – -43
3.3 Population and Sample size of the Study – – – – -43
3.4 Sampling Technique- – – – – – – -45
3.5 Sources of Data – – – – – – – -45
3.6 Administration of Instrument – – – – – -45
3.7 Method of Data Analysis – – – – – – – -46

4.1 Historical Background of the Ahmadu Bello University – – 48
4.2 Historical Background of the University of Ibadan – – -51
4.3 Organization Structure of ABU and UI – – – – – -53

5.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – -61
5.2 Effect of Funding on the Quality of Education give to Students in ABU and
UI- – – – – – – – – – -62
5.3 Effect of Academic Staff on the Quality of Education given to Students in
ABU and UI – – – – – – – – -66
5.4 Effect of the Nature of Academic Curriculum on the Quality of Education
Give to Students in ABU and UI – – – – – -70
5.5. Descriptive Statistical Analysis – – – – – – -74
5.6 Test of Hypotheses – – – – – – – – -77
5.7 Discussion of Findings – – – – – – – -84
5.8 Major Findings – – – – – – – – -88

6.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – -89
6.2 Summary – – – – – – – – -89
6.3 Conclusion – – – – – – – – -90
6.4 Recommendations – – – – – – – -91

Bibliography – – – – – – – – -93
Appendices- – – – – – – – – -97


Universities all over the world are accepted as the citadel of learning and development of human resources.

The entire intellectual and professional life of a country depend on sound higher education especially university education that provides quality (products) graduates of international standard (1kharehon, 2012).

The recent debate about the place of Nigerian universities has once again drawn attention to the lowly place of higher education among national priorities.

Whereas web metric ranking of universities which measures web presence and content does not mention a single Nigerian university until after 1,600 others have been mentioned the quantitative survey world university ranking which concentrates on programme and instructional content does not mention a Nigerian university at all (Aluede, 2012).

On the African scene, the story of Nigeria University is not different. Till the early 1980s, university of Ibadan did not just lead the league of Africans most prestigious universities ranking best among others like the university of Ghana,

Legion, Makarere University, Uganda, university of Nairobi, Kenya, and university of Dar-es- Salam, Tanzania, but was also seen as leading light of the most prestigious universities in modern Africa from the late 1940s.


Aluede, O. and Ufuah, G. (2012).Higher Education and Nigeria’s National Development:
Challenges for the Millennium Research for Educational Reforms, 9 (1), 20-28.

Ajuzie, V. (2010).A Concise History of Education in Nigeria: Issues and new Challenges
Akoka, Lagos: Nigeria Time Publications.

Anyebe, A. A. (2012). Development Administration: A perspective on the challenges in
Nigeria, Zaria: Shereef Salam Press, Pp. 131-141.

Anyebe, A. A. (2006). Planning of Higher Education in Nigeria, being a paper presented
at a workshop organized by Research and Curriculum Development Unit (RCDU)
in collaboration with Carnegie Corporation project, 

Awoyafa, S. (2012).Planning and Educational Development in Nigeria. Ibadan: Board
Publications Limited.

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