Assessment of Library Application Software Packages for Library Operations and Services in Federal University Libraries in North Western States of Nigeria

 – Assessment of Library Application Software Packages for Library Operations and Services in Federal University Libraries in North Western States of Nigeria –


The study Assessment of Library Application Software Packages for Library Operations and Services in Federal University Libraries in North Western States of Nigeria was conducted to assess automation of library operations and services in Nigerian University Libraries.

This is because efforts are being put forward to improve on the library operations and services from being manually driven to electronically driven where information work is most done traditionally.

Application of library management Software to library services could facilitate effective participation in the information sharing methods.

Four objectives were achieved by formulating and answering four research questions for the study.

The objectives were to find out the types of application software packages available for library operations and services in federal university libraries in North Western states of Nigeria,


TITLE PAGE ——————————————————————————————— i
DECLARATION —————————————————————————————- ii
CERTIFICATION ————————————————————————————– iii
DEDICATION —————————————————————————————— iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ————————————————————————- v- vi
ABSTRACT ——————————————————————————————– vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ————————————————————————viii–xi

1.1 Background to the Study ————————————————————————– 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ————————————————————————- 8
1.3 Research Questions ——————————————————————————– 9
1.4 Objectives of the Study—————————————————————————– 9
1.5 Significance of the Study ————————————————————————- 10
1.6 Scope of the Study ——————————————————————————— 10
1.7 Assumptions of the Study ———————————————————————— 11
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms —————————————————————- 11
REFERENCES —————————————————————————————– 13

2.1 Introduction —————————————————————————————– 15
2.2 Types of Library Application Software Packages Being Used in University Libraries — 16
2.3 Criteria that Influenced the Choice of Library Application Software in University
Libraries ———————————————————————————————– 29
2.4 ICT Infrastructure and Strategies Put in Place to Ensure Sustainability of Library
Application Software in University Libraries —————————————————— 34
2.5 Challenges to the effective use of Library application software Packages in University
Libraries ————————————————————————————————- 38
2.6 Summary of Literature review ——————————————————————- 41
REFERENCES —————————————————————————————– 43

3.1 Introduction —————————————————————————————- 48
3.2 Research Methodology ————————————————————————— 48
3.3 Population of the Study ————————————————————————— 49
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique —————————————————————- 49
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection —————————————————————— 50
3.5.1 Validity of the Research Instrument ———————————————————- 53
3.5.2 Reliability of the Research Instrument —————————————————— 53
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection ——————————————————————- 54
3.7 Data Analysis Technique ———————————————————————— 54
REFERENCES —————————————————————————————– 55

4.1 Introduction —————————————————————————————– 57
4.2 Response Rate ————————————————————————————– 57
4.3 Data Analysis ————————————————————————————– 58
4.3.1 Library Application Software Packages being used for library operations and services in
the Federal University libraries in the North Western States of Nigeria ———————- 58
4.3.2 Criteria that Influenced the Choice of Library Application Software Packages that are
Being Used in the Federal University Libraries in the North Western States of Nigeria – — 61
4.3.3 ICT Infrastructure and Strategies Put in Place to Ensure Sustainability of Library
Application Software in Federal University Libraries in North Western States of Nigeria — 63
4.3.3 Criteria for Selection of Digital Asset Management Software for Digitisation Projects in
Nigerian University Libraries ———————————————————————— 65 Challenges to the effective use of Library application software Packages in Federal
University Libraries in North Western States of Nigeria —————————————– 68
REFERENCES —————————————————————————————- 71

5.1 Introduction ————————————————————————————— 72
5.2 Summary of the Study ————————————————————————— 72
5.3 Summary of Findings —————————————————————————- 73
5.4 Conclusion —————————————————————————————- 74
5.5 Recommendations ——————————————————————————– 75
5.6 Recommendations for Further Studies ——————————————————– 77

BIBLIOGRAPHY ———————————————————————————— 78    


Library as an organization is involved in information creation, processing, organizing, storing, disseminating and utilization.

It therefore becomes necessary for library to produce tools and systematic procedures for all activities so as to provide effective information management.

The idea of computerization of library gave birth to the development of library application software packages. Library Application Software no doubt offers information managers many opportunities to improve Library services to their client.

It makes information resources easier to be located and retrieved. Also, it enables library staff to serve library patrons better by facilitating execution of multitude operational tasks such as cataloguing, acquisition, circulation, OPAC, management of e-resources and reference services among others with less stress.

Borgman (1997) remarked that library application software first flourished in the 1960‟s being a period of expansion in higher education and increasing funds for library collections.

As the rate of publication increased, libraries realized that they could not acquire and process materials fast enough with traditional manual systems and that automation could help to control costs on labour-intensive operations.

He added that the goals for library application software for libraries include: i. Efficiency of internal operations, ii. Access to local library resources iii.

Access to resources outside the library iv. To achieve the interoperability between information systems necessary to build a global information infrastructure. 


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