Assessment of Students’ Perception of Joint Admission and Matriculation Board Computer Based Examination in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria 

Assessment of Students’ Perception of Joint Admission and Matriculation Board Computer Based Examination in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.


This study focused on the “Assessment of student‟s perception of Joint Admission and Matriculation Board computer-based examination in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra state, Nigeria. The study had five objectives; five research questions and three hypotheses.

Relevant literatures to the study were reviewed and all cited authorities were dully acknowledged at the reference. Ex- fact research design was used to conduct the study.

The target population of this study was 972 students, which comprise of first year undergraduate students’ of 2014/2015 session in the faculty of education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University.


Sample size of 274 students‟ was selected using simple random sampling technique with Krijcie and Morgan (1970).  A structured four modified likert scale questionnaire were adopted and content validity was used to validate the instrument.

A pilot study was conducted on 10 students in the faculty of engineering. It gave reliability co-efficient (r) of 0.787 for section B, while C is 0.797 and D was 0.864 alpha using crobanch alpha statistics.

Questionnaires were personally distributed by the researcher and only 272 questionnaires were returned representing 99.1% of the 274-questionnaire administered.

The mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions and Mann Whitney test was used to test hypotheses one, while the Kruskal Wallis test was used to test hypotheses two and three at p≤ 0.05 level of significance.

The study revealed that students general perceived Joint Admission and Matriculation Board computer-based examination is that computer-based examination was a concrete and rewarding experience and also computer-based examination as enjoyable than paper-based examination.



Information and communication technology is presently perceived as a propelling force in attaining global economic development. 

Nwagwu (2006) states that the rapid rate at which information and communication technologies has evolved since the mid 20th century, the convergence and pervasiveness of information and communication technologies give them a strong role in development and globalization.

It equally refers to a definite knowledge acquired or supported about something or somebody or collected facts and data about a specific subject. 

Obiekezie and Onyema (2000) opine that communication is the process of transferring ideas, skills or aptitudes from one person to another accurately and satisfactorily.

Okoye (2005) perceives information and communication technology as the use of electronic means to collect data, process, store, retrieve and make available different types of messages to people around the world.

 McGorry (2002) postulated that information and communication technology has the potential to remove the barriers that are causing the problems of low rate of education in any country; it can be used as a tool to overcome time and distance barriers.

The field of education has been affected by information and communication technology which have undoubtedly affected teaching, learning and research, (Yusuf, 2005).

Education is the driving force of economic and social development in any society, it is necessary to find ways to make education of good 2 quality, accessible, and affordable to all, using the latest technology available to propel the national educational system to greater level with cutting edge technologies.

Ocho (2005) perceives education as the transmission of what is desirable to individuals to make them knowledgeable and contributing members of the society.

The great innovations in our entire life influence directly or indirectly the systems that control our knowledge, skills and behavior.

The evolution of our culture is one of the major indicators for this change. Assessment as a part of the educational system is exposed to the same changes.


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