Availability, Access and Utilization of Information Communication Technologies among Staff of Women in Agriculture Sub-Programme of Agricultural Development Programmes in North Central Zone of Nigeria

The determined the availability, access and of information communication among staff of women in agriculture sub-programme of agricultural development programmes in north central zone of Nigeria.

Four states were randomly selected which include Benue, Kogi and Nassarawa states, and the Federal Capital Territory.

The multi-stage sampling was used to select a sample size of eighty (80) WIA staff. Interview was used to collect data from the respondents.

Frequency count, percentage and mean score were used to analyze the data collected. Factor analysis with principal factor model with interaction and varimax rotation was used to determine the major constrains to the use of ICTs.

The result of the study showed the mean age of the respondents to be 47.25 years with average working experience of 20.66 years and 14years as WIA staff.

All (100%) the respondents were aware of radio, video machine, television and telephone and majority of them were aware of the other modern ICTs except for fax machine, GIS, Skype, face book and digital camera.

Only a few (40% for telephone and 33.8% for radio) of them had ICT tools in their offices but majority (92.5% for radio and 88.8% for television) of them had personal ICTs.

Majority (87.0%, 85.0% and 80.0%) of the WIA staff had access to telephone, television and radio respectively but very few (32.5% for computer 28.8% for internet and 8.8% for printer) of them had access to the modern ICT facilities. Majority (89.5%) of the few that accessed the internet did so for browsing to get information.

Table of Contents


Background Of Study

The sustainable production of food is the first pillar of food security; and millions of women work as farmers, farm workers and natural resource managers.

In doing so, they contribute to national agricultural output, maintenance of the environment and family food security (Onyemobi, 2000).

According to Nnadozie and Ibe (2000), women play very significant roles in Nigeria agricultural production, processing and utilization.

Agricultural extension personnel are very important in the development of agriculture. They utilize strategic vital agricultural information for the individual and general improvement of the farmers, homemakers and youths.

This could be in the area of their farming techniques, family nutrition and health and community development. Agricultural extensionists serve as links between farmers and researchers (Agumagu, Adesope, Mathews- Njoku and Nwaogwugwu, 2008).

Therefore, Nnadozie and Ibe (2000) were of the opinion that the integration of women in extension is essential for the achievement of some goals such as increased food production, food self-sufficiency and sustained reduction of poverty and malnutrition.


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