Availability And Utilization of Information Resources And Services in The Special Education Centre Libraries in South-East, Nigeria.

Availability And Utilization of Information Resources And Services in The Special Education Centre Libraries in South-East, Nigeria.


The study focused on ascertaining the availability and utilization of information resources and services in the special education centre libraries in South-East, Nigeria.

The study was prompted due to the problems encountered by physically challenged student in the use of normal library services. Six research questions were posed to guide the study, while two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.

The study adopted survey research design, and used observational checklist and rating scale as data collection instruments. The sample size for the study was 430 comprising five special education staff and 425 special education pupils/students.

Two-stage sampling simple random sampling was made. Cronbach Alpha technique was used to ascertain a reliability coefficient of .85. Frequency count, standard deviation and mean score were used to address the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using t-test of difference.

Results revealed that the number of available information resources for the blind and partially sighted is significantly less than expected in this context.

That the number of available information resources for the deaf and hard of hearing is also significantly less than expected. The study also revealed that the available information services for the blind and partially sighted is significantly less than expected, the available information services for the deaf and hard of hearing is also significantly less than expected.

The available information resources for the blind and partially sighted are not fully utilized, and the available information resources for the deaf and hard of hearing are not fully utilized.

The study concluded that the provision of information resources and services is less than expected. Also the available information resources and services are not fully utilized by the physically challenged groups studied for any significant impact in learning.

It was recommended that, there should be provision of information resources, such as Braille resources; tactile or raised surface; sign language books; adaptive or electronic devices. Services like: on-sight support; guided tours; facilities, etc.

Every such library should employ librarians who are clearly aware of the nature of work they do. Adequate funding for proper management of the special education centre libraries in Nigeria in such a way as to meet the present day educational demand for these classes of /pupils/students studied, among others. Suggestions for further studies were also made.










Chapter One Introduction

Background of the Study      1

Statement of the Problem       9

Scope of the Study   10

Purpose of the Study     11

Significance of the Study  12

Research Questions  14

Hypotheses           15

Chapter Two: Review of Literature

Conceptual Framework      17

Theoretical Framework      91

Review of Empirical Studies    95

Summary of Review of Literature    106

Chapter Three: Research Design and Procedures

Design of the Study        108

Area of the Study       108

Population of the Study   110

Sample and Sampling Technique        110

Instruments for Data Collection  111

Validation of the Instruments   112

Reliability of the Instruments       112

Method of Data Collection     112

Method of Data Analyses   113

Chapter Four: Results

Data Analysis Based on Research Questions and Hypothesis     114

Summary of Findings      125

Chapter Five:  Discussion of Findings and Summary of the Study

Discussion of Findings  127

Educational Implication of the Findings     130

Limitation of the Study 132

Recommendations              133

Suggestions for Further Study     134

Summary and Conclusion         135

References 138

Appendices       153


This chapter is organized under the following subheadings: background to the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study, purpose of the study, significance of the study, research. questions, and hypotheses.

Background to the Study

There are persons with physical challenges at all levels in every society.The physically challenged are those who are hindered or prevented from acting or living the way ordinary people do.

Lawal-Solarin (2012), defines physical challenge as an inability to perform some or all the task of daily life, or a medically diagnosed condition that makes it difficult to engage in activities of daily life.

In the view of Gobalakrishnan (2013) physically challenged could be described as those restricted, hindered or prevented to have equal opportunities with their contemporaries due to physical deformity, he said they include the visual,hearing, mobility, cognitive, language and speech impaired.


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