Awareness on the Influence of Macro-Environmental Forces on Marketing Activities of Small Scale Business Operators in Oyo State

Awareness on the Influence of Macro-Environmental Forces on Marketing Activities of Small Scale Business Operators in Oyo State.

Table of Contents


The study was carried out to determine the level of awareness of small scale  business  operators on the macro-environmental forces that influence marketing activities in Oyo  state.

To achieve the objectives of the study six research questions were developed and answered while three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and tested at 0.05 level of significance.

The study adopted survey design that made use of a 68-item structured questionnaire developed from the literature. The population for the study consisted  of 119 small scale business operators in Oyo State.

The questionnaire was face validated by three experts; two from Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo and one from the Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of  Nigeria,  Nsukka.  Cronbach  alpha method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument.

The questionnaire was administered on 119 respondents. All the copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed using mean and standard deviation while t-test statistic and ANOVA were  used to  test the null hypotheses.

The findings of the study revealed that the small scale business operators in Oyo State are aware on the influence of macro-environmental forces  that  influence marketing activities.

However, recommendations such as organization of seminars and workshops for the small scale business operators, availability of relevant information, employment of qualified and well grounded business administrators, and familiarity to the relevant business materials like newspapers, magazine and internet materials  by the  small scale business operators were made based on the findings from the study.


Title Page —————– i
Approval Page—- ii
Certification—– iii
Dedication—– iv
Acknowledgements- v
Table of Contents—— vi
List of Tables—- ix
Abstract———– x


Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 6
Purpose of the Study 7
Significance of the Study 8
Research Questions 10
Hypotheses 10
Delimitation of the Study 11


Conceptual framework 12
The concept of Awareness 12
Small Scale Business Enterprises 13
Marketing Activities 15
Marketing Environment 15
Influences of Demographics Forces 21
Influences of Economics Forces 24
Influences of Social and Cultural Forces 29
Influences of Technological Forces 33
Influences of Legal Political Forces 38
Influences of Competitive Forces 45
Theoretical framework 49
A Systems Theory of Business Intelligence 49
Related Empirical Studies 50
Summary of Literature Reviewed 54


Design of the Study 57
Area of the Study 57
Population for the Study 58
Sampling and Sampling Technique 58
Instrument for Data Collection 58
Validation of Instrument 59
Reliability of the Instrument 60
Method of Data Collection 60
Method of Data Analysis 60


Research Question 1 61
Research Question 2 62
Research Question 3 63
Research Question 4 65
Research Question 5 66
Research Question 6 67
Hypotheses Testing 69
Hypothesis 1 69
Hypothesis 2 71
Hypothesis 3 73
Findings of the Study 75
Discussion of Findings 77


Re-Statement of the Problem 83
Summary of the Procedures Used 84
Summary of Findings 85
Implications of the study 86
Conclusion 87
Recommendations 87
Suggestions for Further Study 88
References 89


1.1 Background of the Study

Business is an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money.  Every business  requires some  form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make a profit.

Obi (2002) defined business as an organized effort to produce products or supply services demanded by people for the purpose of making profit.

Also, Aina and Salako (2007) affirmed that business can be regarded as a system which is better described as a linkage of input flows (energy, materials and information) from a source in uncontrollable environment otherwise called external environment.

In the same vein, business could be viewed as an enterprise that involves buying and selling on the basis of satisfying consumer’s wants and  need for profit making purpose.

Business enterprises are in various  forms  which  include: small scale business, medium and large business enterprises.

Small scale enterprise is generally stated as the business which is  independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field of operation.


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