Barriers to Effective Corporate Governance in the Banking Industry


Research into governance in Nigerian was born out of necessity to investigate the collapse of some banks. Bank failure is so disturbing because it sits at the center of the economy.

The first discussed the causes of bank failures, Barriers and faults of management, misreporting, insider abuses and fraud, violation and non-compliance of internal controls put in place, etc.

Review of literature historically traced back bank distress in Nigeria from pre-independence to date. Reasons for the recorded failures were also identified. The procedures adopted in data generations, data collection, measurement criteria, analysis and interpretations were highlighted in chapter three.

The adopted in the research gave the work a scientific outlook. Sufficient data generated were tabulated so as to aid analysis.

Pictorial analytic tools graphs were employed in analyzing the data. In data analysis, a comparative study of the values given to various stakeholders of banks, insurance, conglomerates, breweries, food and beverages were done so as to determine their fairness or otherwise.

Before arriving at a result data of various companies under review as contained in value added statement in the past six years were carefully analyzed. The analyzed data presented in graphs simplified the analysis. Conclusively, the study criticized the returns given to shareholders of banks and recommended a comparative review.


Cover page
Title page
Table of contents
List of Tables and Charts

Chapter one Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 The significance of the study
1.6 Definition of terms

Chapter two Review of related literature

2.1 Review of related literature
2.2 Definition of corporate governance
2.3 Role of good corporate governance in promoting bank
2.4 Policy rationales for privatization in Nigeria
2.5 Whither the Reform ? The problems of Diagnosis

Chapter three Research mythology

3.1 Research design
3.2 Sources of data
3.3 Population
3.4 Sampling size and sampling techniques
3.5 Data instrument
3.6 Data analysis method

Chapter four Presentation and analysis of data

4.1 An overview
4.2 Analysis of data
4.3 Analysis of research questions
4.4 Summary of theanalysis of research questions

Chapter five Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations

5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations


Corporate failure today is a global issue. In 2010, we saw the collapse of large companies like Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCC1), Enron, and WorldCom ( In Nigeria, corporate failure is very rampant in the financial and non-financial services sector.

Soludo (2005) hinted that by 1998, a total number of 26 banks have been liquidated and at the time of consolidation, 11 banks were already dead literally.

John Clutter Buck in Al-Faki (2006) highlights that companies that failed shared some common characteristics and they are:- Leadership of the company is vested in an individual who combines the office of chairman and chief Executive with.

Persistent violation and non-compliance with internal control of the company by the chief. Optimistic (or even distorted) rather than prudential financial.

Irregular board meetings often without adequate information given. It is the combination of these factors that undermine the ability of companies to withstand economic downturns thus, leading to a collapse.

In the Nigerian banking scenario, issues such as lack of probity, transparency, integrity, accountability, inflation of balance sheet with unearned income, weak capital base, and unskilled and inefficient management also contributed to the death of many banks.


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