Comparative Evaluation of the Nutritive Value of Different Feed Energy Sources with and Without Enzyme Supplementation on the Performance of Broiler Chickens

 – Comparative Evaluation of the Nutritive Value of Different Feed Energy Sources with and Without Enzyme Supplementation on the Performance of Broiler Chickens –

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Two experiments were carried out to determine the nutritive value of sorghum, millet, cassava and sweet potato with or without enzyme supplementation in broiler chickens production.

The growth performance, nutrient digestibility, heamatological parameters and characteristics of broiler chickens were evaluated.

In the experiment 1, diets were not supplemented with enzyme while in the second, the diets were supplemented with Maxigrain® enzyme.

Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets (23.17 % CP; 2831 Kcal/kgME) and (21.73 % CP; 2929 Kcal/kgME) for the broiler starter (0 – 4 weeks) and finisher phases (5-8 weeks) respectively were formulated.

Diet T1 maize based diet served as the control while diets T2, T3, T4 and T5 were sorghum, pearl millet, cassava and sweet potatoes based diets, respectively. A total of 225 day- old NAPRI X broiler chicks were randomly allotted to the five treatments.

Each treatment consisted of 45 birds with three replicates of fifteen birds each in a completely randomized design. Feeds and water were provided ad libitum.

Data collected were analysed using the general linear model procedures of S.A.S. 9.0 and significant difference (P<0.05) in means among the dietary treatments was separated using a tukey test.


Nigeria like most other developing countries, suffers greatly from a constant shortage and increasing cost of protein and energy feed resources for livestock (F.A.O., 2000).

This situation has become highly magnified due to high competition between livestock and the ever growing human population for the same source of food, particularly energy feed such as maize, sorghum etc.

Whereas these feeds form the basic constituents of the ration for the monogastric animals, it also form the major sources of human food (F.A.O., 2002).

Feed remains the most expensive input in poultry production with cereal grains constituting more than 40 % of the feed cost. Oyedeji et al. (2003) observed that cost of feeding accounts for about 70 % of cost of production in poultry business.

Several workers have emphasized the need for utilizing alternative feed ingredients which have no competition for human (Durunna et al., 1999; Fanimo et al., 2007; Nsa et al., 2010).

There is therefore, a dire need for the animal nutritionists to seek for alternatives to the inadequate and expensive alternative feedstuffs to forestall an impending serious food crisis.

Some researchers (Kwari et al., 2004; Okah, 2004) have stressed the need for utilization of alternative feed ingredients.


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