Computer-Aided Learning Of Basic Science Subjects

Computer-Aided Learning Of Basic Science Subjects.


This project work on Computer-Aided learning of basic science subjects creates an environment, where learning and assessment of science is fun and the opportunities to learn is equitable among the rural and urban learner.

The Computer Aided Learning Basic Science Subjects is primarily introduced to enhance the quality of learning by making “Learning Play”, “Assessment Fun” and “Equal knowledge for all”.

Computer-Aided learning of basic science subject programme is to attract the learners, retain them in the schools and to improve the quality of the education through text based educational content.

Reducing illiteracy in science is also the ideology behind this project work and problems of students been scared away from science with impression that calculation in it is bothersome.

Computer Assisted Learning Program objective is sought to be achieved through presentation of the subject in a readable format, thinkable jokes.


Title page        …………………………………………………………..

Approval Page            ……………………………………………………

Dedication      …………………………………………………………..

Acknowledgement      ……………………………………………………

Table of content

Abstract          …………………………………………………………..

Chapter One

1.0       Introduction

1.1       Background of study  ………………………………………

1.2       Statement of the problem                   ……………………………….

1.3       Objective of the study            ………………………………………

1.4       Significance of the study        ………………………………………

1.5       Scope of the study      ……………………………………………..

1.6       limitation of the study            ………………………………………

1.7       Definition of terms                 ………………………………………

Chapter Two

  • Literature Review
    • History of computer ………………………………………
    • Computer aided learning and basic science subjects …….
    • Learning stages ………………………………………………
    • Historical development of computer aided learning …………..
    • Benefits of computer aided learning …………………………
    • Aims and objective……………………………………………..
    • Advantages and Drawback of computer aided learning ……

Chapter Three

  • System analysis
    • Introduction……………………………………………………..
    • Problem definition ………………………………………………
    • Feasibility study ………………………………………………
    • Problem with manual learning ………………………………..
    • Objective of New design ………………………………………
    • Program structure ………………………………………………
    • System Design ………………………………………………

Chapter Four

4.0       System implementation

4.1       Introduction…………………………………………………….

4.2       Justification of programming language           ………………….

4.3       program flowchart      …………………………………………….

4.4       System control            …………………………………………….

4.5       System requirement    ………………………………………

4.6       Implementation details           ………………………………………

Chapter Five

  • Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
  • Summary ……………………………………………………
  • Conclusion ……………………………………………………..
  • Recommendation ……………………………………………..


Science is made of subjects that serve as bedrock to most scientific, engineering and medical fields of study. Physics, chemistry and mathematics subject puts a lot of fear in the mind of students.

The fear of this subject is generally termed “Science Phobia”. Science and technology is what is reigning in the world economy today and as a result students are encouraged to be technology oriented.

The word science comes from a Latin word “Scentia”, meaning knowledge. Knowledge attained through the study or practice or knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws and tested through scientific study method concerned with the physical word.

With the difficulty pronounced there is need for students to study by making use of tools they will love to use so as much so that their attention can be drawn to the basic subjects, just as kids are meant to learn with toys.


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