Computerized Office Skills Required by Computer Education Students of Colleges of Education for Employment in Business Organizations in Enugu State

– Computerized Office Skills Required by Computer Education Students of Colleges of Education for Employment in Business Organizations in Enugu State –


One of the major concerns of employers of labor in this information age is the recruitment of employees with requisite computerized office skills to fit into the various organization job vacancies and positions.
In Computer education, the acquisition of these computerized office skills does not only depends on whether one is able to fulfill the paper requirements of specific jobs.

It also connotes how one practically stands relative to others within a group of job seekers. In other words, the acquisition of computerized office skills describes the possession of the requisite office job performance competencies by Computer Education graduates.
Thus, the purpose of the study was to find out the computerized office skills required by Computer Education students of Colleges of Education for employment in business organizations in Enugu State.
A survey research design was adopted for the study. A total of 480 respondents were studied with no sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used for data gathering.
The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.85 using the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient method while three lecturers carried out face validation on the instrument.
Six research questions and six null hypotheses tested at a 0.05 level of significance guided the study. Mean statistics were employed to answer the research questions while ANOVA was used to test the hypotheses.
It was found out that students from Colleges of Education in Enugu State require computerized office skills to be employed in contemporary business offices after graduation.


Background of Study
In Nigeria, unemployment rates seem to be increasing in spite of schemes such as the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) and Family Support Programmes (FSP).
Observation shows that one of the major reasons for unemployment emanates from a lack of appropriate and relevant skills.
However, there are widespread observations and fears that the unemployment situation in Nigeria may lead to a significant proportion of school leavers remaining ignorant, poor, undeveloped, unscientific, and technologically illiterate (Gomwalk, 1996).
The other unintended outcome will be an increase in the crime rate and other social disorders such as kidnapping, violence, and prostitution.
For instance, Coombs in Anikweze, Ojo, and Maiyanga (2002) observes that for the first time in several decades, youths especially from the middle classes are faced with feelings of powerlessness and lack of control over their lives which have long been the lot of the lower socio-economic classes.
Faced with this unfamiliar and stress-provoking situation (and coupled with the perception that nothing is being done to alleviate their problems), these youngsters may increasingly resort to socially deviant behaviors and anti-social behavior such as crimes and drugs.


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