Customer Services in Financial Institutions, A Step Towards Improving Profitability (A Case Study of Union Bank Plc, Oko)

 Customer Services in Financial Institutions, A Step Towards Improving Profitability (A Case Study of Union Bank Plc, Oko)


Due to the importance of customers service in the business world. many privileged organizations most especially the financial institutions are now depending strongly on it to enhance or improve their profitability.

Ideas and opinions were received from staff and reputable customers of union bank of nigerian plc, oko branch, which was used as a case study.

These ideas and opinions were got through the use of open and close ended questionnaires, interviews and observation.

The data collected was analysis with the use of chi-square (x2) which is a statistical technique used in comparing the differences between observed and expected frequencies. actually only banks with foresight with respect to customer service will succeed amidst competition.

Meanwhile union bank of nigeria plc will really benefit more if they take advantage of the result of this research work, here by sustaining its customers and at the same time keeping them happy.


Title page                                                                 i

Approval                                                                  ii

Certification                                                             iii

Dedication                                                               iv

Acknowledgement                                                    v

Table of content                                                       viii

Abstract                                                                   vi

Chapter One

1.0   Introduction                                                     1

1.1   Background of study                                        4

1.2   Statement of the problem                                5

1.3   Purpose of the study                                        6

1.4   Hypothesis                                                       7

1.5   Scope/Limitation of the study                 9

1.6   Significance of the study                          10

1.7   Definition of terms                                           11

Chapter Two

Review of Related Literature                                     15

2.0   Introduction                                                     15

2.1   Budget                                                             15

2.2   Budgeting

2.3   Historical development pf budgeting                21

2.4   Reasons for budgeting                                     23

2.5   Types of budget                                                29

2.6   Variance Analysis                                            38

2.7   Importance of Variance Analysis                      38

2.8   Controllable and uncontrollable cost               44

2.9   Responsibility accounting                                44

2.10 Budget Administration                                     45

2.11 Budgetary Control                                            46

2.12 Objectives of Budgetary control                       47

2.13 Basic requirements for a good Budgetary

Control System                                                48

Chapter Three       

Research Methodology                                             51

3.0   Introduction                                                     51

3.1   Population of the study                                    51

3.2   Sample Size                                                     52

3.3   Sample method of data                                    52

3.4   Sources of data collection                                53

3.5   Administration and Retrieval of Questionnaire        53
3.6   Procedure used for data analysis                     54

Chapter Four

Presentation and data analysis                                56

4.0   Introduction                                                     56

4.1   Presentation and Analysis                               56

Chapter Five

5.0   Introduction                                                     75

5.1   Summary of findings                                       75

5.2   Conclusion                                                      76

5.3   Recommendation                                             77

5.4   Suggestion for further research                        78

5.5   Limitation of the study                                     79

References                                                       81

Appendix A                                                      83

Appendix B                                                      84


The topic of this research work is of course, customer services in the financial institutions, a step towards improving profitability (a case study of Union Bank Plc Oko).

Woodruff (1997) defines profitability as the ability of an investment or a company to make a profit after costs. Overhead, etc. profit on the other hand, is the difference between the income of the business and all its costs and expenses over a period of time.

Shaw (1990) defines a service as a performance that delivers some combination of benefit to the customer.

Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, a bank established in 1917, as Bank of Colonial Africa, increased its profits after tax from 5.035 billion in 2001 to 9.375 billion naira in 2005.

In July 2009, the bank was rated the 556th largest bank in the world and the 14th largest bank in Africa, with an asset base of US $826 million.

However, the bank was one of the banks that were controversially indicated by the Central Bank of Nigeria in November 2009, for what the apex bank termed as improper loan and financial management.

The profitability of banks could be increased through a plethora of ways. These include the aforementioned financial management, the recruitment and training of seasoned personnel, honesty of staff intensive/extensive selling efforts and other factors.

Nevertheless, the focus of this work is to examine how profitability could be increased through improved customer services. This line of thought is congruent with the marketing concept, which makes consumer satisfaction the fulkrum of all organizational activity, banks not being exceptions.


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Crown Gerald; Sellerman Paul (1992) Service America in the New Economy New York; MC Graw Hill.

Geidner Schick, Othman Van de Wees (1999) Bank profitability Statistical Supplement New York; Organization for Economic Development.

Herker Zenois (1997) Financial Institutions Markets and Management, New York MC Graw Hill

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