Design and Implementation of a Card Based Security System

Design and Implementation of a Card Based Security System.


This project was centered on card based security system. The current process of security is being operated manually and due to this procedure numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem.

The problems were identified after series of interviews and examination of documents after which analysis was made and a computerized procedure recommended.

This project will also suggest how to successfully implement the computerized procedure and to overcome the obstacle that would hinder the successful implementation of the system. The new system was designed using Microsoft visual basic 6.0 programming language.

This language was chosen because of its easy syntax and features for developing windows based applications.


Title page       i

Approval page     ii

Dedication          iii

Acknowledgement    iv

Table of content            v

Abstract       vi


1.0       Introduction historical background

1.1       Objective of the study

1.2       Statement of the problem

1.3       Significance of the researchers study

1.4       Scope of study

1.5      Limitation of study

1.6       Brief history of case study

1.7       Definition of terms


  • Review of related literature


3.0       System investigation analysis and design

3.1       System investigation

3.2       Fact finding

3.3       Analysis of finding

3.3.1 Problem of formal system

3.3.2 Reason for new system

3.4       System specification

3.5       Input and output forms and design


4.0       System programming and implementation

4.1       Choice of implementation

4.2       Program flow chart and algorithm

4.3       Source code and debugging

4.4       Testing and documentation

4.5       Staff training

4.6       Hardware and software requirement

4.7       Implementation (handover)


  • Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion

5.1       Summary

5.2       Recommendation

5.3       Conclusion




The idea of self-service in retail banking developed through independent and simultaneous effort in Japan, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom. In the USA, Luther George Sunsjan has been wrongly credited with developing and building the first cash dispenser machine.

There is no evidence to suggest that Sunsjan worked in this device before 1959 while his 132nd patent was first filled in June 30, 1960 (and granted 26 February, 1963).

The roll out of the machine, called bank graph, was delayed a couple of years. This was particularly due to Sunjlan’s reflection electronics being acquired by universal match cooperation.

An experimental Bank graph was installed in New York City in 1961 by the bank of New York, but removed after 6 months due to the lack of customer’s acceptance.

The bank graph, however embodied the pre-occupation by its banking in finding alternative means to capture deposits, while the concern of the European and Asian Bank was cash distribution.


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