Design and Implementation of a Computerized Assignment Submission System

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Assignment Submission System


A good system is needed to manage the submission of student assignment at the university. The manual system needs to be replaced with the computerized system to give more convenience to the student and the lecturer.

When students hand over their assignment the operator will keep the records of the submission details.

Emails will be sent to the students to verify their submission. The same goes for the marked and collected assignment.

In addition, the lecturer will be informed to check the submission records of the students. By doing this, the assignment is always kept in safe condition after the submission.

The proposed system also helps lecturer to keep track of their student submission. The lecturer can check the time of submission and enable the student to collect their assignment after being marked. This system will improve the management of student assignment at the institution.


An online assignment handling is a system contained within the Module virtual learning environment. The functionality of the standard assignment handling module has been extended to cater for all the Department’s needs in terms of receiving assignments from students.

Making them available to tutors to mark, returning grades, comments and marked work to students and keeping Registry and course administrators informed at all stages of the process. Extension requests are an integral part of the system.

Universities, Polytechnics and colleges of education are considered the main provider of knowledge in various fields.

Various courses of studies are taught in institutions, covering several fields including applied Sciences, Math, Computer, Human Resource, and Accounting.

Most courses at universities consist of theoretical as well as practical subject matter. To evaluate the level of understanding and degree of comprehension among students, assignments are often given.

Assignments are submitted by students either individually or in groups. Assignment management involves collecting, marking, and redistributing to students.


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