Design and Implementation of a Computerized Personnel Auditing System of a Local Government Administration

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Personnel Auditing System of a Local Government Administration.


Regrettably, it is worthy to note that several years after independence, that the statutory allocation is in the doldrums, people expectation on the government continues to rise.

Every responsible government is always anxious to provide at least the very basic amenities for the people in addition to the payments of salaries and allowance of its employees.

This is a difficult task to meet up today because of the problems inherent in a manual personnel income tax auditing that aids revenue generation in the states.

The manual process can only produce report after a long period of time that may not be less than two weeks. Also it could lead to a situation where fatigue could discourage a thorough job by the auditors.

It was based on the above mentioned points and others not mentioned here, that an analysis and feasibility study was taken of the old system (manual) with its attendant problems and limitations revealed to determine the need for a new system which can overcome the entire setback associated with the manual process.


Title page

Approval page



Table of contents



  • Introduction
  • Historical background of the study
  • statement of the problem
  • objective of the study
  • Significant/importance of the study
  • Scope of study
  • limitation of the study
  • Definition of the terms.


  • Literature Review
    • Computer and human development
    • Short history of board of internal revenue
    • Administrative set-up of Imo state of internal revenue department
    • Manual operation of personnel income tax auditing unit.

2.4.1    Procedure chart of auditing activities

  • What is auditing
  • What is personnel income tax auditing
  • The principle income of taxation
    • Reasons for imposition of taxes


  • Research methodologies, system investigation and Design
  • system evaluation and analysis of present system
    • system investigation
    • Method of data collection
  • System analysis
  • Input of the new system
  • Output of the new system
  • Control
  • Program


  • Implementation and evaluation
    • Implement of the system
    • Location and installation
    • Change over procedure
    • Staff development and needs
  • Hardware and software requirement
  • Performance criteria
  • Programming language used
  • Maintenance


  • Recommendation and conclusion
    • Recommendation
    • Conclusion




Modern societies are technology driven thus changing their characteristics at an accelerating rate.

One of the current developments in the information sector that will greatly affect business (improve business and society) is greatly increased computer literacy of leaders and general population which will make computerization transition seamless.

That is, the use of computer in any process has been applied in virtually all spheres of human Endeavour. It has equally found wide application in both the private and the public sectors of the economy.

In Nigeria, today there is no gain saying revenue for government, we hear and see computerization project in NITEL, NEPA, and so on; the government has so decided on these project because of their long run advantages over current manual techniques.


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