Design and Implementation of a Digital Library System

Design and Implementation of a Digital Library System

Table of Contents


Libraries have been an important part of the educational and information sector of any school.  The success of any library largely depends on proper management.

Several libraries have suffered failure as a result of inadequate in handling sensitive information as regards members of the library.

This research, therefore, aimed at developing a digital library system, which will help direct and position the library to meets its ever-increasing demands.

In the course of the development of this new system, the current system was analytically and or assessed, and thus the identified strengths and weaknesses were highlighted and a new system was designed for the weakness.

Table of Content

Title page                                                                                            i

Approval Page                                                                                                ii

Table of content                                                                                  iii

Dedication                                                                                          iv

Acknowledgment                                                 v

Abstract                                                              vi

Chapter One

  • Introduction
  • Background Of The Study
  • Statement Of The Problem
  • Objective Of The Study
  • Scope Of The Study
  • Significant Of The Study
  • Limitations Of The Study

Chapter Two

2.1 Literature Review

Chapter Three

3.0 Methodology And Analysis Of The Existing System

3.1 Sources Of Data

  • Methods Of Data Collection
    • Interview Method
    • Observation Method

3.2.3 Record Consultation:

3.3.      Organizational Structure

3.4   System Analysis

3.5.      Analysis Of The Existing System

3.6.      Problem Of The Existing System

Chapter Four

4.0 System Design And Implementation

4.1. Analysis Of The Proposed System

4.2       File Design Specification

4.3       Output Design

4.4 Input Design

4.5 Justification Of Programming Languaged Used

4.6 Menus And Submenus

4.7 The Main Menu

4.7.1 The Sub Menus

4.8 System Implementation

4.9 Change Over Procedure

4.10 System Specification

Chapter Five

5.0 Summary, Conclusion, And Recommendation

5.1       Summary

5.2.      System Maintenance

5.3 Suggested Area For Further Studies

5.4 User’s Manual




Digital Library System (DLS) extends and integrates approaches adopted in traditional libraries as well as in distributed information systems, to yield high-end information systems, services, and institutions.  Here we will explore some of the parts or components of digital libraries and discuss several of the developments in this emerging field.

Building a comprehensive digital library system will help users to manage all phases of the information lifecycle.    Of particular importance is to simplify the authoring and creation process so that a wider population can participate by adding all types of multimedia content directly into digital libraries.

Downstream access allows readers to benefit from this type of computer-mediated communication, across time and space.  Ultimately, it is believed that knowledge will be shared and then lead to yet another cycle of discovery, authoring, and utilization that is facilitated by digital libraries.


Clifford Lynch (2005).  Where do we go from Here?  The  next decade for Digital Libraries, D-Lib Magazine.  July/August 2003, Volume II, Number 7/8.
Fox, E. A.  Envisioning a Computer Science Digital Library. Presented at Digital Libraries of the Future Panel, ACM Multimedia 93, Anaheim, C. A., 1993.
Harter, S., (1997).  Scholarly Communication and the Digital Library:  Problems and Issues.  Journal of Digital Information.
Levy, D. M. & Marshall, C. C., (1995).  Going Digital: A Look at Assumptions Underlying Digital Libraries Communications of the ACM, 38(4), 77-84.
L.T Nowell and E. A. Fox:  Envision: Information Visualization in a Digital Library; Demonstration.  Seattle, WA: ACM SIGIR 95, July 10, 1995.
Robertsons, S. Jitan & Resse, K. (1997).  Web Based Collaborative Library Research. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries 152 – 160.
Sharifabadi, S. R. (2006).  How Digital Libraries can Support E-Learning.  The Electronic Library 24 (3).

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