Design and Implementation of a Management Information System for Political Parties

Design and Implementation of a Management Information System for Political Parties


A Management Information System (MIS) is a system or a process that provides the information necessary to manage an organization effectively. MIS and the information it generates are generally considered essential components of prudent and reasonable business/organizational decisions.

MIS should have a clearly defined framework of guidelines, policies or practices, standards, and procedures for the organization or institution Michael, T.G (2009).

An information system (IS) is any combination of information technology and people’s activities using that technology to support operations, management, and decision-making.

In a very broad sense, the term information system is frequently used to refer to the interaction between people, algorithmic processes, data, and technology.

In this sense, the term is used to refer not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) an organization uses but also to the way in which people interact with this technology in support of business processes.


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