Design and Implementation of an Expert Management System for Automobile Fault Detection

Design and Implementation of an Expert Management System for Automobile Fault Detection.

Table of Contents


This project deals with the design and implementation of an expert system for car faults diagnosis. The project is motivated by the need to guide car owners and learners motor mechanics in the maintenance and troubleshooting of motor problems without having to resort to presumptions and conjectures.

Particularly, it is expected that the proposed design would ensure that car owners have proper assistance in times of crisis and what’s more will save them from the clutches of exploitative roadside mechanics.

For this purpose a rule- base artificial intelligence (AI) technique was utilized to obtain theoretical and practical expert system parameters, and then a conceptual expert system was designed.

The expert system functioning is based on the database of car faults, symptoms and their correction, which make up its knowledge base. The new system was developed using visual basic 6.0 programming language and access database.


Title page                                                              i

Approval page                                                        ii

Dedication                                                             iii

Acknowledgement                                                  iv

Abstract                                                                v

Table of contents                                                    vi

CHAPTER ONE                        

1.0 Introduction                                                     1

1.1 Background of the study                                    1

1.2 Problem statement                                            2

1.3 Objectives                                                        3

1.4 Significance of the study                                    4

1.5 Scope of the study                                            5

1.6 Limitations                                                              5

1.7 Methodology                                                    5


2.1 Literature review                                             7

2.2  The Conceptual Structure of an Expert System    14

2.2.1  Problem Assessment                                      14

2.2.2  Knowledge Acquisition                                    15

2.2.3  Knowledge Representation                              17

2.2.4  Verification                                                   18

2.2.5  Validation                                                     18

2.3  Testing Expert System                                      19

2.4  MYCIN                                                            21


System analysis and design                                      27

3.0  Introduction                                                    26

3.1  Weakness of the Present System                       28

3.2 Methodology                                                   28

3.3  Knowledge acquisition                                      28

3.3.1 Domain Expert                                               29

3.3.2 Interview                                                      29

3.3.3 Consultation                                                  29

3.3.4 Diagnosis                                                      32

3.3.5 Correction/ explanation                                          32

3.4 System Design                                                       33

3.4.1 Rule based development method                      34

3.4.2 Inference technique                                        36

3.4.3 Flowchart of the proposed program                  38

3.5 Program design                                               39

3.5.1 High level model of the proposed system           40 


4.0  System implementation                                    41

4.1 Introduction                                                    41

4.2 System requirement                                         42

4.3 Testing                                                           42

4.4 Maintenance                                                    43

4.5 Program Documentation                                   44

4.5.1 Sample input/output data formats                           45

4.5.2 Loading the package                                       46

4.5.3 Exiting                                                          47


5.0  Summary, Recommendation and conclusion        48

5.1 Summary                                                       48

5.2 Recommendation                                             49

5.3 Conclusion                                                      49

References                                                      66


In present time most households own at least one car. This figure shows that a car is very important to people’s lives as it completes the cycle of living.

This computer expert system is hoped to help those who are in need of guides to deal with their cars problems.

Although it might not give a complete guide and help as a human expert,   namely mechanics, at least the expert system can give temporary assistance to those who are in need of instant help, as a result of the limitation of time and distance.


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