Design and Implementation of an Online Hotel Management System

Design and Implementation of an Online Hotel Management System.

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Hotel is a building that provides lodging, meal and other services to the traveling public, provided they are in a position to pay and is in a fit condition to be received. Hence, the hotel provides foods, beverages and lodging to travelers and other paying guest.

The hotel industry is perhaps, one of the oldest commercial endeavors in the world. The first inns have existed since ancient time (e.g. along the Roman road system during the Roman Empire) to serve merchants and other travelers. Medieval European monasteries operated inns to guarantee haven for travelers in dangerous regions.

The spread of traveling by stage coach in the 18th century stimulated the development of inns, as did the industrial revolution. The modern hotel was largely the result of railroads, when traveling for pleasure became widely popular, large hotels were often built near railroads stations.


Sales and services are the fundamental tools in any business organization the profit and loss of any business depend on detailed information on sales and services made to aid in decision making and implementation, if accountability is not checked, then the business is sure to collapse.

As a result in an any retail and hospitality business there is a  need for a  system that gives feedback to the management to aid decision making,  this is where computerized hotel management system comes handy. We have too many problems associated with the manual system used which include:

It takes more time to reserve room. So performance of the current system is slow. Difficulty in handling data accurately, security of data, data lost and viewing by unauthorized person. Retrieving information like reports and queries is very time consuming and almost impossible practicably if time is considered.

Searching records of individual guest or customer takes time. (Update, Delete, and Edit), these types of method are not accessible using the manual method.


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