Design of Cryptosystem Using Symmetric Key Of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm

Design of Cryptosystem Using Symmetric Key Of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm.


This project implements cryptosystem, a proposed model for data encryption and decryption is considered, using the symmetric key algorithm of the advance encryption standard.

Which was implemented by C# programming language, a multi-paradigm programming languageencompassing  strong typing, imperative,  declarative,  functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based),

and  component- orientedprogramming disciplines that was developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative was the tool used to achieve the design which is aimed to secure files, folders, data integrity and other computer  privacy.


Title page        –           –           –  i

Approval page            –           –   iii

Dedication      –           –           –     iv

Declaration     –           –           –    v

Acknowledgement     –           –    vi

Abstract          –           –           –      vii

Table of content          –           –      viii


1.0       Background of Study-            1

1.1       Statement of problem –        2

1.2       Aim and objectives     –          3

1.3       Scope and limitation of study –       4

1.4       Justification of the study        –   4

1.5       Research Methodology           –     4

1.6       Definition of terms     –           –    4


2.0       Literature review         –       6

2.1       Cryptography  –           –       6

2.2       Cryptosystem     –           –   6

2.3       Early VS. Modern Cryptography-      –     7

2.4       Types ofCryptographic Algorithms    –  8

2.4.1    Public-KeyCryptography or AsymmetricKeyCryptography  –    8

2.4.2    Symmetric KeyCryptographyor SecretKeyCryptography      -11

2.5       Advanced Encryption Standard         –         13

2.6       Variations Among Encryption Algorithms     –  13

2.7       Factors Influencing Encryption Product Selection     –    14

2.8       Data Security  –           – 15


3.0.      Methodology  –           –        17

3.1       Data Capture Method –        18

3.2       Analysis of Existing System               –     19

3.2.1    Disadvantage of the Existing System –        19

3.3       The Proposed System-            –   20

3.3.1    System Block Diagram-          –     21

3.4       System Design-           –           – 22

3.4.1    Output design –           –           –  23

3.4.2    Input design    –           –           -24

3.4.3    System Flowchart       –        25

3.5       Algorithm        –           –    26


4.0       System implementation           –   28

4.1       System testing –           –    29

4.2       System requirement    –         30

4.2.1    Hardware requirements           –  30

4.2.2    Software requirement –           –    30

4.3       Conversion method     –           –       31

4.4       Result  –           –           –         31

4.5       Discussion of Result   –        33

4.6       Documentation           –         33

4.6.1    User guide       –           –        34


5.0       Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation –           –     35

5.1       Summary         –           –           –      35

5.2       Conclusion      –           –           –    35

5.3       Recommendations      –           –   36


A cryptosystem is one of the methods used to maintain security in data transmission. Along with the increase in importance, many methods are found and extended use.

Among these methods are methods that only require simple mathematical operation, but there is also a method that involves the theory of complex and difficult implementation.

Cryptographic methods are used to secure confidential data so that the data is not known to others who are not interested.

Acryptosystemgenerallyperformstwofunctions:encryption and decryption. Encryption’s fundamental purpose is to ensure privacy and data integrity.

Encryption involves converting data from plaintext(or normal text)into ciphertext, which makes data unintelligible to any unauthorized parties.


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