Development and Validation of Cell Phone Maintenance Training Modules for National Diploma Students

Development and Validation of Cell Phone Maintenance Training Modules for National Diploma Students.


The study was carried out to develop and validate cell phone maintenance training modules for national diploma students.

Five research questions were answered while five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted research and development (R&D) design and was carried out in Lagos State, Nigeria.

The population for the study was 137 which comprised 35 Lecturers, 14 Instructors of Electrical/Electronic Technology from Department of Electrical/Electronics Technology,

Yaba College of Technology, Lagos State Polytechnic Ikorodu and Lagos City Polytechnic Ikeja, 21 Supervisors in MTN, GLOBACOM, Celtel, Etisalat and Samsung and 67 Road Side Cell Phone Technicians in Lagos State.

Purposive sampling technique was used to select 67 literate road side cell phone technicians from Ladipo Market Oshodi, Alaba International Market Ojo and Computer Village, Ikeja Lagos State.

The entire population of the lecturers, instructors and supervisors was involved in the study because of their manageable size. Cell phone maintenance training module questionnaire (CMTMQ) was used for data collection for the study.

The instrument was face validated by three experts. Internal consistency of CMTMQ was determined using Cronbach Alpha reliability method and the overall reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained. Seven trained research assistants were involved in the data collection using CMTMQ.


TITLE PAGE                                                                                                                          i

APPROVAL PAGE                                                                                                                ii

CERTIFICATION                                                                                                                  iii

DEDICATION                                                                                                                        iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                                                    v

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                        vi

LIST OF TABLES                                                                                                                  ix

LIST OF FIGURES                                                                                                               xi

ABSTRACT                                                                                                                           xii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                                                1

Background of the Study                                                                                            1

Statement of the Problem                                                                                            9

Purpose of the Study                                                                                                  10

Significance of the Study                                                                                           10

Research Questions                                                                                                     13

Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  13

Delimitation of the Study                                                                                           14

CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                        15

Conceptual Framework                                                                                                   16

Mobile Communication Technologies                                                                        18

Training Modules                                                                                                       24

Polytechnics and National Diploma Students                                                            30

Curriculum Development Process                                                                              32

Objectives of Cell Phone Maintenance Training Modules                                         38

Contents of Cell Phone Maintenance Training Modules                                            42

Learning Experiences of Cell Phone Maintenance Training Modules                       73

Facilities for Maintenance of Cell Phones                                                                  74

Delivery Systems for implementing Cell phone Maintenance Training Modules     78

Evaluation Techniques for assessing CMTM                                                             90

Training Process and Models                                                                                     92

Development and Validation of Cell Phone Maintenance Training Modules            99

Development of instructional materials                                                                      102

Approaches to identification of Skills                                                                         104

Need for Cell Phone Maintenance Training Module                                                 117

Theoretical Framework                                                                                                       118

Curriculum Development Theories                                                                             118

  • Hilda Taba Curriculum Linear Model 119
  • Tyler Curriculum Model 120

Theories of Training                                                                                                    121

  • Identical Element Theory 121
  • Replica Training Environment Theory 121
  • Mastery Skill Theory 122

Review of Related Empirical Studies                                                                                  122

Summary of the Review of Literature                                                                                139

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY                                                                          141

Design of the Study                                                                                                    141

Area of the Study                                                                                                       142

Population for the Study                                                                                            142

Sample and sampling technique                                                                                 143

Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                   144

Validation of the Instrument                                                                                       145

Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                       146

Method of Data Collection                                                                                         146

Method of Data Analysis                                                                                            147

Development of CMTM                                                                                             148

Production of final version of CMTM                                                                        150


Research Question 1                                                                                                    151

Research Question 2                                                                                                    152

Research Question 3                                                                                                    157

Research Question 4                                                                                                    159

Research Question 5                                                                                                    162

Hypothesis 1                                                                                                                164

Hypothesis 2                                                                                                               165

Hypothesis 3                                                                                                               166

Hypothesis 4                                                                                                               167

Hypothesis 5                                                                                                               168

Findings of the Study                                                                                                  169

Discussion of Findings                                                                                               185


Re-statement of the Problem                                                                                      190

Summary of the Procedures Used                                                                              191

Major Findings of the Study                                                                                       192

Educational Implications for the study                                                                       193

Conclusion                                                                                                                  194

Recommendations                                                                                                      195

Limitation of the Study                                                                                               195

Suggestion for further Study                                                                                      196



Mobile communication technologies are modified computers with communication features. They have the capability of receiving, processing, transmitting data, voice and video signals through wireless link.

Darby (2005) stated that mobile communication technologies are those technologies which depend upon the broader phenomenon of internet protocol (IP) convergence when data, voice and video travel over a single channel.

According to the Report of United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (2005) IP includes devices such as internet, which converts the package that belongs to a voice, data or video exchange into the appropriate presentation.

Mobile devices can enable someone to use a variety of communications technologies such as: (i) wireless fidelity (Wi- Fi) – a type of wireless local area network technology;

(ii) Bluetooth – connects mobile devices wirelessly; (iii) global system of mobile (GSM) for communications and general pocket radio service (GPRS) data networking services for mobile phones;

(iv) dial-up services – data networking services using modems and telephone lines and (v) virtual private networks – secure access to a private network.


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