Digitization of Local Content Resources in Federal University Libraries in South East, Nigeria


This Study investigated the of Local Content Resources in Federal Libraries in South East, Nigeria.

The Research was guided by eight Research Questions which bordered on the LCR Acquired for Digitization in University in South East Nigeria, the for Selecting LCR for Digitization, the Infrastructural Facilities for Digitization.

The Formats for Digitization of LCR, the Extent of Digitization of LCR in Federal University Libraries, the Extent Digitization of the Resources have Increase the use of the Resources, the Problems Affecting Digitization of LCR and the Suggested Strategies to Enhance the Digitization of LCR.

A descriptive Survey Design was used to conduct the Research. The Population of the Study consisted of the five Federal University Libraries in the five States in South East. A Purposive Sampling Technique was used to  select the number of respondents  in  the three Universities used for the Study.

The Questionnaire, Observation  Checklist  and Interview were used to collect data for the Study. Observation was done for Research Questions 1 and 3 which were on the LCR Acquired for Digitization and on the Availability and Functionality of Infrastructural Facilities for Digitization.

Interview was conducted on the 8 Research Questions. Data from the Questionnaire was Analyzed using Frequency mean and percentages, Data from the Observation was Analyzed using Frequencies while essay/narratives were used to Analyze Data from the Interview.

The findings from the Study revealed that Unsteady Power Supply, Inadequate/Low Bandwidth of Internet Access, Unqualified and Unskilled Staff, Copyright Issue, and Inadequate Fund were the major Problems Affecting Digitization of Local Content Resources.

Based on the findings, the following Recommendations were made: Steady power supply should be ensured by keeping a sound generator set stand by or using solar energy power supply; Provision of reliable internet and internet access to ensure easy and speedy retrieval of library resources;

Installation of strong anti-virus programs in the systems to guard against virus from attacking the files; deployment of more qualified staff and their training and re-training to keep them informed of the new technological trends; appropriate authorities should develop copyright policy for the local content resources, to encourage authors  to

willingly submit their work for digitization; authorities concerned should ensure that adequate fund is made readily available before commencing the project. They should also seek for grants from available donors or advertise for individual or co-operate sponsorship;

Finally, library administrators should set up editorial and monitoring team. The editorial team should edit the works selected for digitization and ensure that they are good enough to be uploaded in  the net.

The monitoring teams on the other hand should supervise  each  stage of the digitization process  to ensure that it is properly done.


Title Page                i

Approval Page                        ii

Certification                iii

Dedication                     iv

Acknowledgement              v

Table of Content          vi

List of Tables      viii

Abstract            ix


Background of the study           1

Statement of the Problem         12

Purpose of the study            13

Research Questions                   14

Significance of the Study     14

Scope of the Study                  16


Conceptual Framework        17

Processes Involved in the Digitization of Local Content Resources   34

Challenges Associated with Digitization of Local Content Resources          40

Strategies for Enhancing Digitization of Local Content Resources     43

Review of Related Empirical Studies                 47

Summary of the Literature Review                50


Design of the Study        52

Area of the Study         52

Population of the Study  53

Sample and Sampling Technique      54

Instrument for Data Collection   54

Validation of the Instrument              55

Method of Data Collection         55

Method of Data Analysis                 56


Summary of Major Findings             73


Discussion of Findings                     80

Implication of the Study      80

Recommendations      81

Limitations of the Study            82

Suggestions for Further Research             82

Conclusion              83




 1.1 Background of the Study

University libraries are those libraries found in universities such as Federal Universities, State Universities and Private Universities. They are established and  maintained  by  the institution to aid in achieving her primary aim of teaching, learning and research.

The university library is the pillar of academic excellence. Mole (2007) opined that the university library constitute the heart beat of any institution, they are the bed rock upon which any academic institution of high learning is built in order to achieve her primary goal of teaching, learning, research and community services.

To him the aim of any university library is to  satisfy  the general need of the academic community users. This implies therefore that the prime objectives of the university library is to meet the academic needs of the parent institution for which it was established.

The libary achieves this by aiding in the studies of the students and assisting the teachers in their teaching and research. One cannot expect an excellent academic programms in any educational institution without the  support of a well equipped library.

The university libraries are the hub from which all intellectual activities radiate to all academic and research programmes.

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