Effect of Mathematics Game-Based Instructional Techniques on Students’ Achievements and Interest in Algebra, at Basic Education Level

Effect of Mathematics Game-Based Instructional Techniques on Students’ Achievements and Interest in Algebra, at Basic Education Level.


The study investigated the effect of Game-Based instructional technique on achievement and interest of students in Algebra at the basic educational level.

A quasi-experimental, non- equivalent control group design used in carrying out  the research; the researcher used  all the JSS ll students in Obio-Akpor local Government Area of Rivers State as the population of the study.

One hundred and thirty-four students from four schools (male and female) sampled, were used as sample for the study.

Intact classes were assigned by hat and draw to either experimental or control group: and separately taught by their regular mathematics teachers who had earlier been trained for the purpose.

All the groups were pre and post tested. Algebra  Achievement Test (AAT) containing twenty multiple choice test and an Algebra Interest Inventory  containing twenty items were used as instruments for both the control and the experimental groups.

Four research questions and six hypotheses guided the study. The mean and standard deviation were used in answering the research questions while Analysis of Covariance [ANCOVA) was used in testing the hypotheses at p<0.05 level of significance.


1.1 Background of Study

Mathematics occupies a central place in the Nigerian educational system. According to Maduabum and Odili (2006), mathematics is a science of quantity and space and occupies a key position in Nigeria’s education system.

Mathematics can also be seen as a human invention, born out of human search to solve human problems, (Kolawola  and  Oluwatayo, 2005).

Mathematics has many branches like set, logarithm, trigonometry, geometry, statistics, vector and algebra.

According to Brian (2010), algebra is the branch of mathematics which is concern with structure, relation and quantity. Studying mathematics as well as algebraic  concepts,  variables  processes and equations have many advantages.

Mathematics without doubt remains very important to all disciplines and fields of human work and study (Odili, 2006).

It has continued to play significant role in the development of both the individuals and nations. Mathematics is a necessary tool needed to be able to function effectively in the present technological age (Aremu, 1998).

Even the ordinary man in the street will agree to this fact that mathematics is of great importance to man existence.

According to Abakpa and Iji(2011), Mathematics is an intellectually stimulating subject that  affects  every talent of human activities such as politics, economics science and technology.


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