Effect of Merger and Acquisition on Commercial Banks Performance

Effect of Merger and Acquisition on Commercial Banks Performance

Table of Contents


The study was designed to examine the effect of mergers and acquisitions in the banking industry in Nigeria the need to carry out this study arose from the challenges faced by Nigerian banks despite the reduction of banks from 89-25 at the end of 31st December 2005.

These current challenges faced by banks in the country have made researchers question the efficacy of the consolidation of banks in Nigeria; the exploration research method was used for this study.

Data was collected from textbooks, journals, conference papers, and the internet. The finding reveals that the consolidation (mergers and acquisition) activities in Nigeria did not meet the desired objectives of liquidity, capital adequacy, and corporate governance which have resulted in more troubled banks after the consolidation on the basis of these.

The study recommends among others the leadership should have the skill and require experience necessary to perform the role effectively and should have a sound understanding of the nature of the company business and its risk for smooth and efficient post-merge operation and also that corruption, fraud, and insider abuses must be minimized in the banking industry for the country to derive the benefit of merger and acquisitions of the bank.


Title Page                                                                                          i

Certification                                                                                       ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgment iv

Abstract                                                                                             vi-vii

Table of Contents                                                                              viii-ix


INTRODUCTION                                                                                      1

  • Background to the study 1
  • Statement of the Research Problem 2
  • Objectives of Study 3
  • Research Questions                                                              3
  • Research Hypothesis                                                               3
  • Scope of Study                                                                  3
  • Limitation of Study 3
  • Significance of Study                                                 4

1.8      Operational Definition of Terms                                             4

1.9      Profile of the Case Study                                                                  5


2.0     LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                 7

2.1    Conceptual Framework                                                             7

2.2    Theoretical Framework                                                                       15

2.3     Empirical Framework                                                                       17

2.4     Limitation in Literature Review


  •  Research Methodology                                                             19

3.1     Restatement of Research Questions and Hypothesis                           19

3.2     Method and Source of Data Collection                                              19

3.3     Population of the study                                                            20

3.4     Research Design                                                                      20

3.5     Sample Size                                                                                      20

3.6     Method of Data Analysis                                                         20

3.7     Data Collection Instrument                                                       21


4.0      Data Presentation and Analysis                                               22

  • Introduction                      23
  • Data Presentation                      26
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation                           29


Discussion of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

5.0     Introduction                                                                                       30

5.1     Discussion of Findings                                                             30

5.2     Conclusion                                                                                        31

5.3     Recommendations                                                                   31

Appendix                                                                                 32

Questionnaire                                                                           33



The word merger and Acquisition have been at the forefront in the economic environment in recent years. Today, banks in the economies are from time to time with a vast array of Challenges from the operating environment.

Corporate efficiency has been rampaging the corporate world. It is not uncommon to see various organizations being plagued with a series of levels of unprofitability. This runs through the Whole gamete of the economy, both profit, and non-profit making companies operate in a dynamic environment created and influenced by a variety of forces.

The relevance of banks in the economics of any nation cannot be overemphasizing. They are the cornerstone of the economy of the country. The economics of all market-oriented nations depend on the efficient operation of complex and delicately balanced systems of money and credit backs are indispensable elements in this system.

They provide a bulk of money supply as well as the primary means of facilitating the flow of credit. Consequently, it is submitted that the economic well-being of a nation is a function of the advancement and development of her industry (obadan 1997).


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