Effect of Outsourcing on Organizational Performance of Selected Quoted Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State, Nigeria

Effect of Outsourcing on Organizational Performance of Selected Quoted Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State, Nigeria.


This study focuses on the effect of Outsourcing human resources on organizational performance in selected quoted deposit money banks in Enugu state, Nigeria.

The objectives which guided the study were to determine the nature of the relationship between man-power development and organizational productivity in selected deposit money banks in Enugu state Nigeria, to access the effect of innovation on customers’ satisfaction in selected deposit money banks in Enugu state, Nigeria.

To examine the effect of cost reduction on organizational market share in selected  deposit  money banks in Enugu state, Nigeria, and to investigate the relationship between employees’ focus on core-activities and organizational competitive advantage in selected deposit money banks in Enugu state, Nigeria.

The descriptive survey design research methodology was adopted for the study. A five point Likert scale-type questionnaire  was constructed, and administered among staff of selected money deposit banks in Enugu state, Nigeria, manually.

The research hypotheses were tested using Pearson production moment correlation coefficient and linear regression with the aid of SPSS (statistical package for social science).

The results  of  the analyses showed  that there is positive significant relationship between man-power  development  and organizational productivity (r = 0.712, p<0.05),product innovation has significant effect on customers’ satisfaction (r = 0.823, p< 0.05).

Cost reduction has positively affected organizational market share (r = 0811, p <0.05); and there is significant relationship between employees’ focus on core-activities and organizational  competitive advantage ( r = 0.611, p <0.05) in selected deposit  money  banks  in  Enugu state, Nigeria.


Background Of Study

Outsourcing as a concept is not a new phenomenon, as many  would  believe.  Thousands of years ago, our ancestors had understood the need for outsourcing.

They realized that it would be impossible for them to be an island –to fulfill all their  needs  by themselves, but they would have to depend on someone else to serve them.

The service provider possessed specialized skills, which enables him or her to do the work faster, cheaper and more efficiently.

So, we observed  that  in early societies,  every  man had a part to play- he could be a farmer, a merchant,  a  soldier or  a barber. He  was, in modern parlance, a client, service provider or freelancer (European  Commission, 2003).

The great industrial revolution between 1750 and 1900 that took place in Europe provided much impetus to the  development  of  outsourcing.

This  period  saw manifold increase in the production of goods and services; the market for them increased and profit were like never before.

Many companies began to outsource such activities like accounting, insurance, engineering, legal needs, etc.  to  specialized  firms. These firms were within the country and not offshore (Gilley, 2000).

Middle of the 20th century saw many political and economic changes  combined  with the development of faster means of transportation. Distance began to matters less.

Manufacturing of low costing toys and electronic goods,  apparels,  etc  were  outsourced to lesser developing countries. The political set up had  changed considerably.

Many countries in Asia had become free. Outsourcing was a welcome development as it benefited the developing economies by increasing employment and income levels of the workers.


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