Effect of Pipe Inclination Angle on Gas–liquid Flow using Electrical Capacitance Tomography (Ect) Data

Effect of Pipe Inclination Angle on Gas–liquid Flow using Electrical Capacitance Tomography (Ect) Data.

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Pipes that make up oil and gas wells are not vertical but could be inclined at any angle between vertical and the horizontal which is a significant technology of modern drilling Experimental data on time varying liquid holdup for and pipe inclination angles were analyzed and interpreted. Parameters such as void fraction, slug frequency, lengths of liquid slug, Taylor bubble and slug unit, structure velocity and pressure drop were calculated from the experimental data.

It was observed that an increase in pipe inclination from 0o to 30o brings about a corresponding reduction in average void fraction. Moreover, there is no particular correlation that gave better results in the two inclination angles based on the drift -flux model considered. The results of the comparison between the pressure gradient concerned with the 0o and 30o pipe inclination angles considered in this study using the Beggs and Brill (1973) correlation showed that the total pressure gradient increases with an increase in pipe inclination as a consequence of an increase in both gravitational and frictional pressure gradient. This study has provided useful information of the effect of pipe inclination on void fraction distribution using electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) data.  


The simultaneous flow of several phases which may be a gas, liquid or a solid both in pipes and porous medium is referred to as multiphase flow. Brennen – (2005) defined multiphase flow as any fluid flow consisting of more than one phase or component. Multiphase flow has received both academic and industrial interest over the years because of its importance in nature and engineering applications.

Liquids transported in containers are subjected to splattering and unpredictable transient loads, which may affect the integrity of thin-shell containers, or make the transporting vehicle unstable Aydelott and Devol (1987). Typical practical situations where two-phase gas-liquid flow exists are in the nuclear, power, chemical and petroleum industries Brennen- (2005).

For example, the calculation of pressure drop is reliant on the two – phase flow dynamics. Multiphase flow in pipelines is a common occurrence in the petroleum industry Abduvayt (2003). According to Abduvayt (2003), multiphase flow in pipes which is known to be a common occurrence in the petroleum industry is usually conveyed through a single pipeline to storage facility since it is very expensive to separate the produced mixture of oil before transporting it.

Multiphase flow exhibits several flow regimes in conduit depending on the gas and liquid flow rates and pipe inclination angle. Different inclinations will cause changes in the flow regime transitions and flow characteristics Kang et al. (1996). Measurement and prediction of liquid-gas multiphase flow regimes that occur in processing pipelines and wellbores are crucial to the petroleum industry. 


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