Effect of Powerpoint Presentations Modes on Students’ Achievement and Retention in Basic Science

The examined the effects of PowerPoint modes on the achievement and of junior Secondary School three (JSS3) students in  Basic science.

Basic science students exposed to Text- picture mode of PowerPoint presentation were compared with their exposed to the Text- animation mode to ascertain whether differences exist in their mean achievement and retention scores.

The study also investigated the influence of gender on academic achievement and retention of JSS3 students in Basic science. Four research questions and six null hypotheses guided the study. The researcher reviewed related literature.

A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group research design involving two intact classes were used. The accessible population comprised of 1359 JSS3 basic science students in the 11 co-educational public secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area.

A sample of eighty (80) students from two co-educational schools were drawn from two intact classes.
Purposive sampling technique was used to sample Nsukka Central Development Council and the two schools that were used for the study.

Random sampling techniques were used to draw two intact classes in the two schools. The classes were assigned to the two treatment groups, Text-picture and Text-animation modes of PPT by balloting.

The regular Basic science teachers of  the  selected  schools  were  trained and used for the study. The instrument for data collection was the Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT).

Table of Contents


Background Of Study

Education is the key that enable the public to move with time and attain excellence in science and technology.

This is why the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004) stated clearly in the National Policy on Education, that education as an instrument could be used to meet the needs of people and determine the kind of society which would evolve.

However, there are many levels of education in Nigeria they include; Nursery/pre-primary education, Primary education, Secondary education and Tertiary education.

One of the aims and objectives of secondary education is to provide trained manpower in the applied science and raise a generation of people who can think and contribute to the development of the society (FRN, 2004).

An important aspect of secondary education in science education. Science education enables people to use scientific principles and processes in making personal decision and to participate in discussion of scientific issues that affect the society. (National  Science Education Standard, 1996).

However, science education is the bedrock of a realistic national development. There are two basic fields of science. They include: Natural science, the study of the natural world and Social science; the systematic study of human behaviour.

Natural and Social science runs across the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth science, etc., all embedded in a given subject known as Basic Science. Basic Science is one of the subjects taught/offered in the Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Basic science is formally called integrated science.


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