Effect of Teacher Constructed Furnace on Students’ Performance in Metal Work Technology in Technical Colleges in Rivers State

Effect of Teacher Constructed Furnace on Students’ Performance in Metal Work Technology in Technical Colleges in Rivers State.

Table of Contents


The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of teacher constructed furnace on students’ performance in metal work technology in technical colleges in Rivers state using four topics in metal work that require the use of furnace namely; heat treatment, soldering, forging and foundry.

The study adopted research and development incorporating quasi-experimental design. It involved the use of control group, pre-test – post test design.

The population of 194 students from four technical colleges in Rivers state were used for the study. The instrument for data collection was made up of Metal Work Achievement Test (MWAT) developed by the researcher.

The achievement test consists of 200-multiple choice items with four options of A-D. The test items were identified and selected from the content of (NABTEB) syllabus on metal work technology.

Test re-test method was used to establish the reliability of the instrument; the tests yielded 0.70,073 and 0.72, 0.74 for the first and second tests respectively.

Four experts in metal work technology were involved in both face and content validity of the teacher constructed furnace and 200 multiple-choice test items.

The results obtained from the test scores were compiled and analyzed using statistical tools such as; percentage, mean, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in answering four research questions and testing four hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.

Table Of Contents

TITLE PAGE                                    i

APPROVAL PAGE                          ii

CERTIFICATION                            iii

DEDICATION                                   iv


TABLE OF CONTENT                   vi

LIST Of TABLES                              x

ABSTRACT                                        xi


Background of Study                                1

Statement of the Problem                      5

Purpose of Study                                    6

Significance of Study                                6

Research Questions                                   7

Hypotheses                                                 8

Delimitation of Study                                8


Conceptual Framework                                    9

Heat Treatment with Furnace and Students Performance                     11

Soldering Using Furnace and Students Performance                             27

Forging Using Furnace and Students Performance                                 36

Foundry Using Furnace and Students Performance                               41

Theoretical Framework                                                                               51

Review of Related Empirical Studies                                                       55

Summary of Review of Related Literature                                              58


Design of Study                                                        60

Area of Study                                                              60

Population for the Study                                                   61

Sample and Sampling Techniques                                   61

Development of Teacher Constructed Furnace             61

Instrument for Data Collection                                          62

Validity of the Teacher Constructed Furnace                  63

Reliability of Instruments                             64

Validity of the Instrument                               65

Reliability of the Instrument                           66

Experimental Procedure for Use of Furnaces               66

Experiment Conditions                                  67

Method of Data Analysis                               68


Results of Research Question 1               69

Results of Research Question 2             69

Results of Research Question 3          70

Results of Research Question 4         70

Results of Hypothesis 1                        71

Results of Hypothesis 2                       72

Results of Hypothesis 3                        72

Results of Hypothesis 4                        73

Findings                                                   73

Discussion of Findings                          74


Re-statement of the Problem                      78

Summary of the Procedures used                  78

Principal Findings                                    79

Implications of Study                            80

Conclusions                                                  81

Recommendations                                   81

Suggestions for Further Research                82

Limitations                             83

REFERENCES                 84


Background of Study

The provision of quality technical education is the responsibility of the government to meet human resources needs of the nation in technology.

Quality technical education trainings are aimed at equipping the learners with useful skills and knowledge in their desired areas of study.

Technical Education programmes are provided for the learners to have opportunity to acquire the knowledge and manipulative skill for effective nation-building.

Technical education programme is conducted in Technical Colleges and other related institutions.

Nwachukwu (2006) defines technical education as that aspect of education, which leads to the acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge.

Technical Education programme is offered in Technical Colleges and other related institutions.

Technical Colleges according to Okoro (2006) are vocational training institutions in Nigeria that admit junior secondary school leavers to senior secondary schools and provide them with a full vocational course of three years duration.

Technical Colleges sometimes admit students who have the First School Leaving Certificate and give them a full six years vocational training.

This later case occurs in a situation where the Technical College is experiencing difficulties in attracting enough junior secondary school leavers into its vocational programmes.

Technical Colleges are regarded as the principal vocational institutions in Nigeria. They give full vocational training intended to prepare students for entry into various occupations.


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