Effects of Particle Sizes on Bioremediation of Crude Oil Polluted Sandy Soils

 – Effects of Particle Sizes on Bioremediation of Crude Oil Polluted Sandy Soils –

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Bioremediation has been proven to be the most effective method of cleaning up through the application of nutrients and microorganism to contaminated soils.

Hence, this research was aimed at investigating the effects of particle sizes on bioremediation of crude oil polluted sandy soils. Six different soil samples were sieved using the B.S sieve sizes.

The sieve sizes were classified into X and Y such that X is fine to coarse sand while Y is very fine to coarse sand according to U.S Bureau and PRA (Public Roads Administration) soil classification system.

The soil samples were polluted  with escravous sweet crude oil at a uniform rate of concentration under aerobic condition.

Treatment commenced after four days using nutrients and microorganism. Soil samples were examined  for physiochemical and microbial characteristics for a period of 42days.

The parameters examined were: moisture content, particle size distribution, ,  soil pH, , available phosphorus, total heterotrophic bacteria and fungi count.



1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 3
1.3 Significance of Study 3
1.4 Objective of Study 3
1.5 Scope of Study 4
1.6 Limitation 4

2.0 Literature Review 5
2.1 Cohessionless Soils 5
2.2 Particle Size Distribution and Index Properties 5
2.2.1 Sand Percentage 5
2.2.2 Soil Colour 6
2.2.3 Soil Texture 6
2.2.4 Soil Aggregate and Structure 6
2.3 Effects of Petroleum Spill on the Environment 7
2.3.1 Effect on Plants 7
2.3.2 Effects on the Geotechnical Properties of Soils 7
2.3.3 Effects on Sandy Soils 8
2.4 Concept of Bioremediation and History 9
2.4.1 Biological Process of Bioremediation 10
2.4.2 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degrading Microorganisms 10
2.4.3 How Bacteria Functions and Adapt to Environmental Conditions 12
2.4.4 Bacteria Reproduction and Survival 13
2.5 Growth Cycle of Microorganisms and Reproduction 13
2.5.1 Lag Phase 13
2.5.2 Stationary Phase 13
2.5.3 Exponential and Declining Phase 14
2.5.4 Death Phase 14
2.5.5 Kinetics of Bacteria Growth 15
2.6 Factors Influencing Hydrocarbon Metabolism on Bioremediation 15
2.6.1 Temperature and Chemical Composition of Crude Oil 16
2.6.2 Nutrients of Nitrogen and Phosphorus 16
2.6.3 Oxygen Requirement 17
2.6.4 Moisture Content and Surface Area 17
2.6.5 Soil pH 18
2.6.6 Organic Matter and Carbon 19
2.7 Techniques of Bioremediation 20
2.7.1 Bioaugmentation Process 20
2.7.2 Biostimulation Process 20
2.8 Importance and Advantages of Bioremediation 21
2.8.1 Disadvantages of Bioremediation 21

3.0 Materials and Methods 22
3.1 Sample Collection 22
3.2 Experimental Procedures 23
3.2.1 Physical Parameters 23
3.3 Classification Test 24
3.3.1 Visual Description of Soil Colour and Structure 24
3.3.2 Sieve Analysis 24
3.3.3 Soil pH in Distilled Water 25
3.3.4 Total Hydrocarbon Content 25
3.3.5 Available Nitrogen Using H2O2/KCL Extraction 25
3.3.6 Available Phosphorus 25
3.3.7 Total Organic Carbon 26
3.3.8 Total Heterotrophic Bacteria Counts 26
3.3.9 Total Heterotrophic Fungi Count 26
3.3.10 Statistical Analysis 26
3.4 Equations for the Calculations of Parameters 26
3.4.1 Moisture Content 26
3.4.2 Particle Size Distribution 27
3.4.3 Soil pH in Water 27
3.4.4 Total Hydrocarbon Content 27
3.4.5 Total Organic Carbon Content 28
3.4.6 Available Phosphorus 28
3.4.7 Available Nitrogen 28
3.4.8 Total Heterotrophic Bacteria and Fungi Count 28
3.5 Statistical Analysis 29

4.0 Result and Discussion 30
4.1 Particle Size Distribution Parameters 30
4.2 Moisture Content 30
4.3 Total Hydrocarbon Content 31
4.4 Total Organic Carbon 31
4.5 Soil pH 31
4.6 Available Nitrogen 32
4.7 Available Phosphorus 32
4.8 Total Heterotrophic Bacteria and Fungi Count 32
4.9 Graphs 34

5.0 Conclusion 46
5.1 Recommendation 46
Table 2.0 : The Biodegradability of Different Petroleum Products
Table 2.1 : Microorganisms Capable of Degrading Petroleum Hydrocarbon
Table 2.2 : Class of Phosphorus
Table 2.3 : Soil Reaction pH Class Range
Table 2.4 : Class of Organic Carbons


In Nigeria, particularly in the Niger Delta regions; the soils found are mostly sandy soils in shades of different colours of white, brown, grey and red. Sands are cohessionless aggregate of rounded, subangular or angular fragments of more or less unaltered rock or mineral particles of size from 0.075 -4.75mm (Murthy,2009).

The sand separates recognized are: very coarse, , fine and very fine determined from  the  particle  size  distribution curve. The coefficient of uniformity which is an index value showing the  average slope of  grain size distribution in a soil depends on the gradation or distribution curve of the soil  sample.

According to Arora (2008), the larger the , the more the range of particles. Sand particles because of their size have a direct impact on the porosity of the soil.

The high incidence and have been of great concern to Environmental Engineers in Nigeria.

This has given rise to intensive  research to  find  ways and means of generating information and data  required  to  assist  in bioremediation strategies of crude oil spills.

Before any remediation strategy can be done successfully, a lot of information would be required to aid the process (Bidemi, 2011). This information is meant  to  assist  in  the detection of and response to oil spill incidence.

Bioremediation is a means of cleaning up contaminated environments by  exploiting  the diverse metabolic abilities of microorganisms to  convert contaminants to  harmless products  by mineralization, generation of carbon (IV) oxide and water, or by conversion into microbial biomass (Baggott, 1993; Mentzer and Ebere, 1996). In Nigeria, no  information  is  yet  available regarding the commercial production of fungi or microbial inocula for use in bioremediation of oil polluted environments.


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