Effects of School-Based Violence on the Academic Performance of Students

 – Effects of School-Based Violence on the Academic Performance of Students – 

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This long-essay discussed the topical issue on the effects of school-based violence on the academic achievements of students.

It focused the phenomenon from the national and international perspectives. The theoretical frame work to the problem was provided.

The typologies and different forms of school-based violence were identified and succinctly discussed. They include; corporal punishment, sexual violence, bullying, cultism, fighting, arson, neglect and discrimination.

The adolescent stage, the home, the school the community and the society at large were highlighted as the major causes of school-based violence.

The aftermath and devastating effects of school-based violence which could result into physical injury, life time disability, psychological problems and even death were also discussed.

Recommendations on how to keep our school environments safe and protected from violence through the collective and conscious efforts of the government, the school, the home and religious groups and individuals were provided.


Title page                   i

Certification                        ii

Dedication                            iii

Acknowledgments                iv

Abstract                             v

Table of contents                vi – vii


Introduction             1 – 3


Theoretical framework on violence     3

  • Introduction 3
  • Studies on violence 4 – 7
  • Types of violence 7 – 8
  • Theoretical framework 8 – 12


School-based violence         13

  • Introduction 13
  • Conceptions of school-based violence 13 – 15
  • Prevalence of school-based violence 15 – 17
  • Forms of school-based violence 17 – 23


Major causes of school-based violence          24

  • Introduction 24
  • Major causes of school-based violence 24 – 25
  • Effects of school-based violence on the academic 25 – 29

performance of students


Summary, conclusion and recommendations      30

  • Introduction 30
  • Summary and conclusion 30 – 31
  • Recommendations 32 – 33

References                                                                          34 – 36


School violence is widely heard to have become a serious problem in recent decades. Juvenile offenders and victims are on the increase.

The topic of school violence is one that affects all in the society. Asides from interfering with the learning process, the long range effects of school violence affect us all.

Statistically, children who engage in violent acts are more likely to become adult criminals. Many children who display violent behaviour at school are exposed to violence or abused outside the school environment and may be in need of help. The consequences and effects of violence can be devastating and far reaching.

Physical injuries can range from bruises, scrapes, burns to brain damage, permanent disabilities and death. The school as a micro society is an agent of socialization.

And for socialization to take place there must be peace and harmony. Schools can be free from violence, thus, paving way for good academic performance.

A school comprises of human beings organized and interrelated with common purpose to educate the children brought under their care.(Ajuzie, 2005).


Alemika,E.E.O.&Chukwuma, I.(2005) Criminal victimization and fear of crime in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria Lagos: CLEEN foundations.

Aluede, O. (2011) Managing bulling problems in Nigeria secondary school: some counselling interventions for implementation. The African symposium 11(11) 323-342.

Ayorinde , S.A.(2010). Criminal Intent and Educational Aspiration of Disadvantaged school- age Hawkers in two selected Northern cities of Nigeria, Journal of Historical Services in Education 6, 1, pp 116-126.

Bandura, A. (2001). Social Cognitive Theory: An agentic perspective. Annual review of psychology. 52 1-2.

Baron, J.(1976) Word Apart: Sociology of Education. Collier Macmillian, London . Collins Internet-linked Dictionary of Sociology (2000).Glasgow, Harper Collins publisher.

Emeri, P.N.(2012). School-based Violence, Implications for Societal Development. A paper presented at the 6th annual conference of (ASEN).Lagos, Nigeria.

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