Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Open Source Information Technology Software Quality Characteristics on Business Value of an Adopting Organization

Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Open Source Information Technology Software Quality Characteristics on Business Value of an Adopting Organization.


The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of information technology software quality characteristics on the business value of an adopting organization. This phenomenon was explored empirically by examining three research questions;

1.) What is the impact of system quality of open source ERP on business value of an adopting organization?

2.) What is the impact of information quality of open source ERP on business value of an adopting organization?

3.) What is the impact of service quality of open source ERP on business value of an adopting organization? Adoption of open source ERP has been on the increase.

The research problem thus arises as scanty empirical works exist to explain how its software quality characteristics impact on business value. To answer these research questions, the quantitative research method, employing the survey strategy, supported by positivists was adopted.

The research explored the OpenERP system used by American University of Nigeria, been the case study. The research was targeted at identifying the significant relationship between system quality, information quality and service quality on business value (directly) and when moderated by extended use. Single source of quantitative data (questionnaire survey) was used to collect data.


As organizations face unrelenting competition, tight budget, economic downturns, coupled with intensified emphasis on operational efficiency and exceptional service delivery, information technology (IT) has become a veritable tool adopted to remain competitive in the face of these challenges.

Organizations’ investment on IT infrastructure have been demonstrated to be huge, running in their billions. It therefore becomes paramount and legitimate for management to evaluate the contribution of IT investment in terms of business value to overall organization’s performance.

Business value depict the justifications for investing on a given project. It includes all the values of which in the long run determine the health and well-being of a firm. By been context specific, business value is measured by different organizations either in monetary or non-monetary terms (Jain, 2016).

The monetary are evaluated in profitability and cost saving, and non-monetary on quality and excellent service experience (Fotini et al., 2008; Rai et al., 1996). Therefore, understanding and assessing the business values generated by IT infrastructure continue to elicit growing interest from both practitioners and researchers.

IT business value depicts performance impact of information technology at all levels, which includes both competitive and efficiency impacts. Levels at which IT value are recognized are categorized into Macro and Micro levels (Umzeyemungu & Raymond, 2012; Jain, 2016)

Studies linking investment in IT to business value has been done in the past (Banker & Kauffman 1991; Hitt et al., 1994; Soh & Markus, 1995; Melville et al, 2004). Others has also been done with specific IT infrastructure, such as e-commerce (Delone and Mclean, 2004), the Enterprise Resource Planning system (Fotini et al., 2008; Shang & Seddon, 2000; Seo, 2013; Sarrab & Rehman, 2014; Constantinos et al., 2014; Jain, 2016).


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