Factors Influencing Adoption of Faro 52 Rice Package by Farmers in Selected Local Government Areas of Niger State, Nigeria

Factors Influencing Adoption of Faro 52 Rice Package by Farmers in Selected Local Government Areas of Niger State, Nigeria.

Table of Contents


The study assessed the factors influencing adoption of FARO 52 rice package by farmers in selected Local Government Areas of Niger state. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection.

A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed where a total of 166 FARO 52 rice farmers were randomly sampled and proportionately drawn at 25% across each of the nine selected villages.

Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result indicated that the package recorded 15.1%, 51.2% and 33.7% low, medium and high adoption level respectively.

The constraints identified by the study include: high cost of the technology, complexity, lack of technical skills and low availability of the inputs among others.

The results of the linear regression model indicated that farmers’ age, household size, farm size, farming experience, extension visits, training participation and membership of associations had a significant relationship with the adoption of FARO 52 rice package.

In conclusion, the adoption of FARO 52 rice package as a whole was influenced by socio-economic and institutional factors.

The study thus recommends that the concerned stakeholders should give  priority attention to those socio-economic and institutional significant factors identified by this study while formulating development strategies and programs for different categories of farmers. 



DEDICATION………………….. ii






ACRONYMS………….. x

ABSTRACT…………………… xi


  • Background to the Study……….. 1
  • Problem Statement……………… 4
  • Objectives of the Study………. 6
  • Hypotheses of the Study……….. 7
  • Significance of the Study……….. 7
  • Scope and Limitations of the Study……………. 8


  • Rice Production in Nigeria……………………………………….. 9
    • Economic Importance of Rice………………… 11
  • Introduction of FARO 52 Rice Package……………………… 12
  • Socio-Economic Characteristics of Farmers……………………… 13
  • Extension Methods for Disseminating Technology………….. 16
    • Individual Contact Method…………….. 16
    • Group Contact Method…………………………….. 16
    • Mass or Community Contact Method……………….. 17
  • Awareness, Information Sources and Level of Adoption of Innovations by…. 18
  • Factors Influencing Adoption of Recommended Practices by Farmers………… 20
  • Reasons for Innovation Adoption………………….. 22
  • Constraints to Adoption of Agricultural Production Practices…………………….. 23
  • Theoretical Framework………… 24
    • Diffusion and Adoption Model……………….. 24
    • Overview of the Concept of Innovation and Technology…………………………… 29
    • Types of Technology……………. 30
    • Adoption Process………………………….. 31
    • Elements in the Diffusion of Innovations……………….. 33
      • Innovation………………………… 33
      • Communication Channels…………. 34
      • Time…………………… 35
      • Social System……….. 35
    • The Innovation Decision Process………. 36
      • The Knowledge Stage………………… 36
      • The Persuasion Stage……… 37
      • The Decision Stage…………………. 38
      • The Implementation Stage……………… 39
      • The Confirmation Stage…………………… 39
    • Attributes of Innovations………. 40
      • Relative Advantage……………………. 40
      • Compatibility……. 41
      • Complexity……………………. 42
      • Trialability………………. 42
      • Observability……….. 43
    • Adopter Categories……….. 43
      • Innovators……………….. 44
      • Early Adopters……….. 44
      • Early Majority……………. 45
      • Late Majority…………… 45
      • Laggards………………………… 46
    • Conceptual Model of the Study……………… 47


  • The Area of Study………………………………… 48
  1. 2 Sampling Technique and Sample Size……………….. 48
  • Data Collection Methods and Sources………….. 49
  • Analytical Techniques………………………………. 50
    • Multiple Regression Model Specification………. 50
    • Adoption Index…………………… 51
    • Recommended Components of the Package……….. 53
    • Definition of Variables and Priori Expectations……………….. 56


  • Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Respondents…….. 61
    • Age Distribution of the Respondents…………………… 61

4.1.2.     Level of Educatio……. 62

  • Household Size………………… 63
  • Farm Size…………. 64
  • Farming Experience……………… 65
  • Extension Methods for Disseminating FARO 52 Rice Package………………….. 66
    • Awareness of FARO 52 Rice Package…………………. 67
    • Sources of Information……………… 68
    • Level of Adoption of FARO 52 Rice Package by Farmers in the Study Area. 70
      • Seed Treatment………. 73
      • Establishment of Nursery………………… 73
      • Land Preparation..74
      • Spacing…………… 74
      • Transplanting Depth…. 75
      • Water Management……… 76
      • Fertilizer Rates.. 76
      • Herbicide………….. 77
      • Disease Control………… 77
      • Insect Control……… 78
    • Factors Influencing Level of Adoption of FARO 52 Rice Package…………….. 78
    • Reasons for Adoption of FARO 52 Rice Package…………………………………….. 85
    • Constraints to Adoption of FARO 52 Rice Package…………………………………. 87


  • Summary………………. 89
  • Conclusion…………………. 90
  • Recommendations……….. 91
  • Area for Further Studies…………………………….. 93
  • Contributions of the Study to Knowledge……………………. 93




1.1 Background to the Study

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important food and cash crop in the world. It feeds more than half of the world’s population (Ojohomon, 1995). The world grows 153.8 million hectares of rice annually with average worldwide yield of 3,885 kg/ha.

This gives a production of 598.8 million metric tons, which is greater than that of either corn (590.8 million metric tons) or wheat (576.3 million metric tons) (FAO, 2011).

Rice has become an important economic crop and the major staple food for millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in general and Nigeria in particular (Africa Rice Centre, 2012). It is an important staple food and a commodity of strategic significance across much of Africa.

Driven by changing food preferences in the urban and rural areas and compounded by high population growth rates and rapid urbanization, rice consumption in SSA has been growing by 6 percent per annum over the years, more than double the rate of population growth (FAO, 2011).

AATF (2012) however, revealed that the area under rice production in SSA has stagnated at about 8 million hectares, producing about 14.52 million tonnes per year against an annual consumption of 21 million tonnes.


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