Gender Dimension In The Use Of Family Planning Services

 – Gender Dimension In The Use Of Family Planning Services –

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This study examined gender dimension in the use of family planning services in Awka South L.G.A, Anambra State. The objectives of the study were to examine the perception of the relevance of family planning services, the extent of awareness of family planning methods outlets, factors affecting acceptance and utilization of family and strategic measures to be put in place to encourage the use of family planning services in Awka South L.G.A, Anambra State.

The study was anchored on Health Belief Model (H.B.M) and Liberal Feminism theories as its theoretical framework. The sample size for the study was 200.The study participants were both married and unmarried people ranging from 18 and above living in Awka South L.G.A, Anambra State.

The multi-stage sampling technique which include cluster, systematic and simple random sample techniques was adopted in selecting the study sample. The questionnaire schedule and In-Depth Interview guide were used as the quantitative and qualitative instrument of data collection respectively.

The data was analyzed using SPSS, simple frequency distribution tables and simple percentages, while two hypotheses were tested using Chi-Square (X2) test statistics.

The findings revealed that family planning is great of relevance to couples in Awka South Local Government Area and several men and women were aware of family planning services but majority of them do not use artificial or modern methods of family planning.

It was also established that there are effects of non-use of family planning on individuals, families and the larger society.

The study also revealed that low level of education, lack of communication between partners religious beliefs, fear of side effects and cultural preference of large family size are the major factors that affect the use of family planning in Awka South L.G.A.

Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that government through the health workers should organize seminars on family planning programmes for male and female members of the public in order to encourage uptake of family planning methods.


Title  Page            i

Approval  Page          ii

Dedication      –      iii

Acknowledgement      –        iv

Table of contents         –           v

List of Tables-          vii

Abstract          –            viii


  • Background of the Study –          1
  • Statement of the Problem –             4
  • Research Questions –                    6
  • Objectives of the Study –            7
  • Significance of the Study –                  7
  • Definition of Terms –           8


2.1.  Conceptual issues/ Review Theoretical literature          10

2.2. Review of Empirical Literature  –              27

2.3. Review of Relevant Theories       31

2.4. Theoretical Framework   –           35

2.5. Study Hypotheses            –            36


3.1. Study Design       –   –           37

3.2. Area of the Study    35

3.3. Population of the Study   –           38

3.4. Scope of the Study           39

3.5. Sample Size         –            39

3.6. Sampling Techniques      –       40

3.7. Instruments of Data Collection   –            41

3.8. Administration of Instruments    –      42

3.9. Methods of Data Analysis           –  42


4.1. Personal Data of Respondents    –           44

4.2. Analysis of Research Questions –       –           47

4.3. Test of Hypotheses          –                   61

4.4. Discussion of Findings    –           63


5.1 Summary of Findings                  68

5.2. Conclusion                70

5.3. Recommendations          71

References      – –           72

Appendices     –          –           79

Appendix I Letter of Introduction      –           79

Appendix II Questionnaire Schedule-                        80

Appendix III Consent Section            –           84

Appendix IV In-Depth Interview Guide (IDI)-           85


Background to the Study.

The developed economies of the world have advanced in the goal of achieving a balance between population growth rate and economic resources. In view of this, measures have been taken which include family planning, sex education, among others in controlling such growth.

The major aim borne in mind towards effecting this policy is the general standard of living of citizen. To this effect, modern family planning method in addition to natural family planning mode have been developed and improved upon in the recent past.

Family planning has become an important population issue of many countries. It is considered as part of national population/health policies or programmes.

Inspite of the hue and cry in and outside Nigeria about family planning or birth control, many people are still confused about its meaning, the method involve, advantages and disadvantages and the factors hindering its wide application in Nigeria.

Improving reproductive health is central to achieving the sustainable Development Goals.(SDGS) on improving maternal health, reducing child mortality eradicating extreme poverty, promoting gender equality and empowering women to have access to safe and effective methods of fertility control.

The promotion of family planning so that men and women can avoid unwanted pregnancy is central to the world health organization (WHO) work on improving maternal health and core to achieving the S.D.G.S (Cleland Bernstein, Ezeh, FaundersGlasier and Inms 2006).

The decision of when or even whether to have children is a human right that all people must enjoy. The 2016 total fertility in Nigeria is 5.13% from 5.89% recorded previously.

(Cia world factbook 2016) women are usually socially and economically dependent on their husbands, this may have contributed to Nigeria becoming a country in Africa with the Fastest population growth averaging 5.2 births per women and with attendant high maternal and child mortality (Ijadunola et al, 2010).


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