Health Implications on the Continuous Indulgence in the Use of Cosmetology Products

Health Implications on the Continuous Indulgence in the Use of Cosmetology Products.


The study on health risk and cosmetology information: a study of Nigerian female university student’s attention on cosmetic label information has been carried. The word Cosmetology is derived from Greek word kosmētikos, meaning “beautifying” and it is the study and application of beauty treatment. A branch of specialty includes hairstylingskincare, cosmetics, manicures/pedicures, and electrology.

The sophisticated nature of consumer and government regulation on advert claim and label of cosmetic product seem not to be accorded great importance. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States emphasized full disclosure of nano-particles of cosmetic products content. This is because it reduces wrinkles on aging skin, but has adverse effect on other parts of human body, which consumer might not be aware.

The study adopted some research questions to guide the work such as: What is the content of the information about the health risks available to the consumer’s choice of cosmetic products among the Nigeria University girl’s students, To what extent does the relationship between the labeling and consumer choice of cosmetic products matter to the consumers/users of the particular cosmetics products,

What is the relationship between the quality of the package materials and the consumer choice of cosmetic products and How do the media contribute to the control of the indulgence of these undergraduates into cosmetology products? The survey method was adopted with a sample of 350 females selected from various environments to seek their responses on the subject matter.


Cosmetology is derived from Greek word; κοσμητικός, kosmētikos, meaning “beautifying” (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2006) and -λογία, -logia) is the study and application of  beauty treatment.

A branch of specialty includes hairstylingskincare, cosmetic, manicures/pedicures, and electrology. A cosmetologist is someone who is an expert in the care of makeup as well as skincare and beauty products. He or she can also offer other services such as coloring, extensions, and straightening.

Cosmetologists’ help their clients improve on or acquire a certain look with the right hairstyle. Hair stylists often style hair for weddings, proms, and other special events in addition to routine hair styling.

Some well-known schools for cosmetologists in the world today includes but are not limited to the Marissa Montoya Academy, Regency, Marinello Schools of Beauty, and also Empire beauty school.

At these beauty schools students learn to cut and style hair, execute manicures and pedicures, and apply cosmetics. There are numerous techniques required to successfully achieve each desired look of the customer.

Typical cosmetology school lasts around a year or a little less. Full-time salon professionals earn average salaries of approximately $48,000 with the potential of even greater earnings (Schmaling & Susanne, 2011).


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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