Immunization Attitude and Practice of Mothers in Lapai Local Government Area Of Niger State

Immunization Attitude and Practice of Mothers in Lapai Local Government Area Of Niger State


The study was conducted to investigate immunization Attitude and Practice of Mothers in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State. The cross sectional design survey was used for the study.

The population for the study consisted of 10,637 mothers from households who were of Lapai LGA in Niger State. Three hundred and Thirty (330) mothers were drawn using multi – stage sampling procedure involving three stages.

The instrument for data collection was self structured questionnaire which comprised of 15 items that investigated immunization attitude and practice of mothers.

Six research questions were posed and four hypotheses tested. Data were analyzed using mean score, standard deviation and t-test.


Background to the Study Care about the optimal well-being of children and women are global. Wright (1992) stressed that United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) initiated the programme on child survival and protection in 1947.

This was because of the suffering of children as a result of the World War II in 1939. Wright pointed out that the programme was restricted to the developed countries and further emphasized that in recognition of the relevance this organization has to the survival and protection of children,

the United Nation’s (UN) General Assembly in an interim decision in 1950 extended UNICEF mandate to concentrate on the needs of children in the developing countries.

UNICEF (1992) revealed that Nigeria and UNICEF have been working together since 1951 on the programme to improve the well-being of children and women in the country.

The early thrust of UNICEF cooperation centered on cash grants and technical support to primary education, health and social development.

According to UNICEF, special allocation of US $100 million was made in 1980 for a phase restructuring of Primary Health Care(PHC) to reflect the new national policy of decentralization of health care services.


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