Industrial Development in Nigeria

 – Industrial Development in Nigeria –

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Industrial Development has been a major cornerstone of economic development of any nation. The success of such a programme can be attributed to the methods and modes of financing the policy.

The study is therefore focused on industrial Development financing in Nigeria. Since NIODB is at the apex of industrial development financing, this study is essential concerned with the role Nigerian industrial Development Bank Limited (NIDB) in the industrialization of Nigeria

Apart from the government of the day which must take certain position as regards the economic path of the country, hardly are there institutions that dedicate the growth of industries in the country.

It is because of this that the author is motivated to carryout this research on the role of Nigerian industrial Development Bank Limited (NIDB) in financing the industrialization of Nigeria.


Title Page           I

Declaration       ii

Certification       iii

Dedication       iv

Acknowledgement        v

Table of content               vi

List of table      ix

List of appendices               x

Abstract         xi


  • Introduction 1
  • Statement of problem 3
  • The Objective of the Study 4
  • Significance of the Study 5
  • Research Methodology 6
  • Scope and Limitation of the Study 7


  • Introduction 10
  • Definition of Development Bank 11
  • Industrial Development in the Developing Economy 14
    • Establishing of NIDB 15
    • Problems Besieging the industrial Development of country 17
    • The Promotion of Industrial Development 19
    • Contribution of Development Banks to the Economic

Development of a Nation       20

  • The Role of Industrial Sectors in a Distorted Economy 22
  • Problems of Development Banks 23
  • Projects, Appraisal by NIDB 24


  • Introduction 30
  • Objectives of NIDB 33
  • Function of NIDB 35
  • NIDB General Policies 38
  • NIDB Loan Procedure 41
  • Operations of NIDB 45
  • Principal Accounting Policies of NIDB 55
    • Standard Conditions of Obtaining Investment Loan from NIDB 60
    • Employment Generated and Ownership Structure of NIDB

Assisted Project   63


  • NIDB Relationale for Preferring Large Companies to Small Companies 66
  • Problems Facing NIDB 66
  • Problem Faced by NIDB Client 69
  • Assessment of NIDB Performance 70
  • Prospects of NIDB in Nigeria 78


  • Summary 81
  • Conclusion 84
  • Recommendation 86

Bibliography             93

Appendices        96


The major reason for the existence of public enterprises by various governments in this country is to serve as instrument of economic development of the country. However, this history of industrial development by this government of this country is as old as that of colonization.

Prior to the establishment of the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Nigeria financial system was characterized by the absence of interdependence currency and machinery for industrial management.

Domination of expatriate industries, the industries were predominantly owned and controlled by foreigners, and the lack of local investment outlets resulting in excess funds being repatriated for investment overseas.

The result of this phenomenon was the obeisance of any effective machinery for industrial development financing both for the government and the private sector.

There were no capital markets, or any markets, no stock exchange, no development banking institution, and a conspicuous absence of development bank habit.


NWANKWO G.O. (1982): The Nigerian Financial System Macmillan Press Ltd., Hong Kong

BOSKEY, S. (1959)  Problems and Practices of Development Bank, Ibadan University Press, Ibadan

ADEKANYE, F. (1983) The Elementary of Banking in Nigeria. F & A Publishers, Ltd, Lagos.

ABDULKADIR A (1985): Financing the Industrial Sector in Nig. Paper Presented to the Student of MAB Programmes at the University of Ilorin

ABASHIYA,R.Z (1984) National Development and Inducstrial Financing. Paper Presented in Kaduna

UZUAGA,W.O (1981): Money and Banking in Nigeria Fourth Dimension Publishers, Enugu

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